Crest Ink - Volume 31 - Number 01

Lori Shinabarger (Karlin Warehouse Receiving) Where did 1998 go?! I, like many, enjoy life & appreciate a good job when it comes along. Remembering where I came from in life helps me to appreciate making memories these past 20 years with a long time family tradition at Crest. It is interesting to rewind the film when I was hired on through Burton Placement and how time just flew by. I started on 2nd shift on line 1 then changed to 1st shift line 1 and was hired on full time by Crest after a year. My jobs consisted of garbage, line dumping, line operator, stacking, driving forklift, runner and ended at the docks. I have enjoyed working with many amazing people and still do along this great journey. From there I was off to the still

wet floors of the brand new Karlin Warehouse. You talk about being a rookie! We used recipe cards to keep track of inventory and of course the pallets were not where the card said. We were very grateful that Mitch finally got us some computers. From there it was adding in all the products and information on the computer system and learning the AS400 computer system was a challenge, but again dedication brought great results. We all want to suc- ceed in life and become something better. Remember that a job might not make you rich but it is spending that time with family because you have a job that makes that happen which is more important. Thanks Steve, Jeff & Mike for helping me to raise my amazing family and also gain another one.

Amy Wilcox (Production A Floor Supervisor) It all started 20 years ago with the junior college program at Crest Foods. While attending Sauk Valley Community College I received a letter in the mail from Crest Foods stating they would pay for my tuition if I worked for them 3 nights a week on the production floor. After racking up a year’s worth of student loans already, I was on board! There were at least 10 of us in that first group, if not more, but only 2 of us are still here today. My first day, I was put on Line 21. In 1998 (back in the 90’s, as my kids would say), line 21 was a 3 pouch Hamburger Helper line with a glue spot for the topping pouch. You want to talk about a bad night, burn your fingers on that and try to keep going.

That’s probably the reason we no longer use the glue spot! I worked on just about every line in the plant after that. Around a year later, I decided I was bored working on the line and asked to be a line operator. Once I received my Associates Degree at Sauk and a Certification in Computer Networking, I was in the same boat as many others my age. Getting my Bachelor’s Degree was out. I had bills to pay and unfortunately, not enough experience to find a job in my field. So I stayed at Crest. I was already on first shift, I liked my hours and on most days I liked what I was doing. I eventually worked my way up to the Level 6 position in our West Facility and then into my supervisor role in the Main Plant. I enjoyed working in both facilities. I’ve met so many interesting people along the way and learned a lot about the operations here. Crest Foods is definitely a great company to work for and I love the people I work with. Thank you for keeping me around as long as you have.

Jackie Ayling (Production A) Having two children at home, I was in need of health insur- ance so working part time wasn’t an option anymore. So I started to look for full time work close to home. Looking in the local paper, Crest Foods had openings for full time, daytime working hours. I applied and got hired on through Crest Foods. When I first started, I didn’t think I would survive the first week, as it was fast paced work and I was not used to that kind of work. It has turned out to be a long- term career. This has been 20 years with a lot of good times, working with good people. One of the moments that meant a lot to me was when on my 10th year at Crest Foods, the company gave us our 10 year trip so we could do some-

thing special with it. My husband and I took a trip to the Grand Canyon by train and then by bus. It was an amaz- ing trip, thanks to Crest Foods. My special memories I have of working at Crest Foods is how family oriented the company is and working with good people. Over the years we have also lost some very special people due to illness. I miss them a lot. Over the years I am always touched how we come together to support those people through their illnesses. Crest Foods has been good to me over the 20 years. Thank you!

January, February & March 2019 Crest Ink 5

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