Studies in Romans Book IV Romans 2:17-3:20

pathway that is characterized by peace is through Jesus Christ. More will be said about this fact when we come to study Romans 5: 1: "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." There is only one way of peace. Jesus Christ "made peace through the blood of His cross" (Colossians 1:20). "There is no peace, saith the LORD, unto the wicked" (Isaiah 48:22; 57:21). "There is no fear of God before their eyes" (3: 18). This last quotation is from Psalm 36: 1. Here we see the utter deprav­ ity of the human heart. There are unsaved people who have no sense at all of God's presence and power in the universe. Men and women go through an entire lifetime as though God does not exist. This is the accurate picture of every person apart from Jesus Christ. They have no reverence for God. This final comment in Paul's description of the people without Christ is the most pertinent and pungent of them all. It is the most serious charge of all. Solomon said, "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge," and "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom" (Proverbs 1: 7; 9: 10). Both knowledge and wisdom (wisdom is the right use of knowledge) come to those that fear God, so there is then something worthwhile which is the possession of all those who look to God in holy awe and reverential trust. We have seen man's photograph, his full length portrait. His depravity was shown in his character, or what man is (3: 10-12); in his conversation, or what he says (3: 13, 14); in his conduct, or what he does (3: 15-18). These verses are not teaching that all persons are guilty of every offense men­ tioned and that there are no degrees of moral behavior. The point is that all men apart from Christ, and we all came into this world apart from Christ, are depraved, corrupted by the sin nature and sin principle. Possibly some of you are boasting now that you have never been guilty of doing some of these things. Please remember, these Scriptures in Romans are describing what we are rather than what we do. The potential and possibility lie within every person apart from Jesus Christ. If you have not committed all of the sins suggested in this vivid descrip­ tion of the natural man, you have nothing to boast about. And if you are still inclined toward defending yourself, consider the closing verses in this section of the Epistle.

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