Bible Study Helps by Dr. Lehman Strauss
BOOKS {paperback) Sense and Nonsense About Prayer ........... . ...... . $1.25 Certainties For Today .............................. . 2.95 Demons, Yes - But Thank God for Good Angels.... . . 1.95 The Eleven Commandments ....................... . 3.25 The End of This Present World ........ ........ ..... . 1.95 The Epistles of John .............. ... .. . ........... . 2.75 We Live Forever ........... ........ ................ . 1.95 Be Filled With the Spirit ........................... . 1.50 BOOKS (hardback) Daniel ............................................ . $6.00 Galatians and Ephesians .. ... ...................... . 5.50 James Your Brother ................................ . 6.25 Philippians ............... ..... .. .. .. . ............. . 4.95 Revelation .................... . ................... . 6.50 The First Person ......................... ........ .. . 5.50 The Second Person ................................ . 4.75 The Third Person .................................. . 4.75 Prophetic Mysteries Revealed..... .................. . 7.95 Special Booklets Marriage and Divorce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ .SO The Impeccability of Christ ........................ . .SO When Loved Ones are Taken in Death .............. . .75 Deluxe Edition ... .. .. . ............ ........ .... . 1.00 You Can Win Over Worry and Depression ........... . .SO The Pentecostal Experience ...................... .. . .SO The Trinity .......... ............................. . .so Homosexuality: The Christian Perspective .......... . .SO Speaking in Tongues ..... ........ .................. . .SO A Soft Pillow for Troubled Minds and Tired Hearts ........... ... ...... ............ . .so
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