NSLHD News - June 28 2024

Message from the chief executive Adjunct Professor Anthony M. Schembri AM

- Public Service Medal (PSM): Nominations for the PSM are open until 1 July 2024. The PSM recognises outstanding service by public sector employees. Visit the following website for nomination forms and further information: https://bit.ly/3XvrGBg - Innovation Pitch Program: In partnership with the NORTH Foundation, NSLHD staff can apply for $50,000-$150,000 funding for projects aligning with NSLHD and NSW Health strategic directions. Applications are open until COB 4 July. Applicants must include an application form (https:// bit.ly/4cqgF8y) and send this to NSLHD- InnovationProgram@health.nsw.gov.au. - NSLHD Honour Roll: The NSLHD Honour Roll recognises significant contributions to our district. Nominations are open until 30 September. Submit nominations via the website: https://bit.ly/3KUtNqA. For support, email NSLHD-BoardSecretariat@ health.nsw.gov.au. From 7-15 July, the district will be acknowledging NAIDOC Week and celebrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history, culture, and achievements. It is essential for us at NSLHD to recognise and honour the significant contributions of Indigenous Australians within our community as well as the incredible work of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Service. I look forward to attending some of the celebrations we have planned across the district. Kind regards,

Dear colleagues, It was with great sadness that I learned of the passing of Kay Van Norton Poche AO. Kay made remarkable philanthropic contributions to our district, along with her husband Greg Poche AO. These included generous donations to our clinical trials centre and to the Manly Adolescent and Young Adult Hospice. Her generous spirit will be greatly missed, and her generosity will not be forgotten. Staff from both the district and the Kolling Institute have also been saddened by the passing of Professor John Walsh AO. John was renowned for his extensive contributions to disability and rehabilitation research and remained very active in research up until his passing. In 2014 the John Walsh Centre for Rehabilitation Research was named in honour of him, and the centre has since played an integral role within the Kolling Institute. Our deepest condolences and thoughts are with the loved ones of both Kay and John. I recently had the pleasure of attending the 2024 NSLHD Quality and Improvement Awards. It was my first time attending these awards and it was truly inspiring to witness the innovation and developments happening across our district. Congratulations to all the winners and finalists for the awards. I always feel incredibly proud when I hear about the work our staff are doing across the district to ensure we are constantly improving and providing the best care to our patients, consumers, their families, and carers. I am also pleased to work for a district that continually strives to recognise outstanding work and acknowledge our colleagues. There are several upcoming opportunities below for staff to shine a light on the work they are doing or recognise outstanding colleagues:

Adjunct Professor Anthony M. Schembri AM Chief Executive Northern Sydney Local Health District



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