NSLHD News - June 28 2024


Staff at the Muru Dali Gili Gili network day

muru dali gili gili network day a success The NSLHD Muru Dali Gili Gili (MDGG) Employee Network Day was recently held at Macquarie Hospital. The event, which follows a series of network

and Workforce Adam Cryer said the day provided a valuable opportunity for network members and attendees to come together, immerse themselves within culture and to better understand the importance of culture, career progression and succession within the workplace. “The Muru Dali Gilli Gilli network day is the greatest way to support self-determination for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workforce,” he said. Acting Deputy Director of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Service Tavia Bernsdorff shared a similar sentiment, noting the day was an opportunity for senior leaders to hear how the workforce can grow together. “The day provided attendees the opportunity to yarn with our senior leaders on how to work together to grow and develop culturally acceptable conditions for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and future employment for our people,” she said.

days that have been running since 2019, brings together Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and allies from across the district to celebrate and undertake deeper cultural understandings over the course of a day. As part of the day, attendees were welcomed by a smoking ceremony followed by a ‘Leader`s Listening’ Yarning Circle which was attended by the MDGG Employee Network members in attendance on the day and senior executive staff from the district. Attendees also took part in cultural workshops which included a ‘Bush Medicine’ workshop facilitated by Uncle Gavi, Aboriginal Culture Education and Tourist Officer. NSLHD Acting Executive Director of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health



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