NSLHD News - June 28 2024

Crazy Socks 4 Docs Royal North Shore Hospital recently held an inaugural morning tea to celebrate Crazy Socks 4 Docs day. The day is marked each year to highlight mental health challenges doctors may experience and encourage conversations about these by wearing creative socks. This simple gesture acted as a conversation starter, promoting openness and support amongst colleagues. It provided a moment of fun and escape from everyday work, contributing to the overall wellbeing and resilience of the hospital’s hardworking doctors. There were hand massages available for doctors, therapy dogs in attendance and an award for the craziest socks – which went to the colorectal team. There was also a guessing competition for attendees to guess the amount of heartbeat lollies in a jar which was won by the urology team. As part of the celebrations, over 300 goodie bags were also handed out to doctors, including the doctors who worked overnight. The bags contained vouchers for wellbeing activities as well some items to help bring a smile to faces of the doctors like chocolates and lollies. Professor John Vassiliadis, who helped organise the day alongside RNSH resident medical officer Kanika Chaudhri, said the event achieved the desired outcome of encouraging connections between doctors and normalising conversations about the importance of mental health. “It’s important that we can continue to acknowledge stigma around mental health and continue to provide open forums like today to discuss these,” Professor John Vassiliadis said. “The day provided a space to break free from the constraints of a typically busy work day, allowing doctors to chat, drink coffee and share smiles,” Kanika said.

RNSH doctors rocking their crazy socks



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