NSLHD News - June 28 2024

SHAPE Initiative at Macquarie Student Housing The Northern Sydney Sexual Health Promotion team recently delivered the Sexual Health Peer Education (SHAPE) training to student leaders and resident advisors at Campus Living Village, Student Village North Ryde.

people to develop communication skills and convey key sexual health messages in a comfortable and supportive environment,” she said. For more information about SHAPE training contact Northern Sydney Sexual Health Promotion at NSLHD-Clinic16enquiries@ health.nsw.gov.au or 02 9462 9500.

This initiative aimed to equip young leaders with vital knowledge and skills in sexual health education. Northern Sydney Sexual Health Promotion team has been working with Macquarie University for some time promoting the sexual health of their students. The SHAPE Program is a best practice peer education initiative designed for organisations seeking to start a new sexual health peer education program or integrate sexual health into an existing one. Clinic 16 health promotion officer Miriam Delailomaloma said “Peer education has proven effective in educating and influencing young people’s behaviours to better address sexual health concerns. “The program not only educates but also provides an excellent opportunity for young

Students playing interactive games

Creating Safe Spaces: LGBTIQ+ Health at NSLHD From 1-30 June, Pride Month is dedicated to celebrating LGBTIQ+ pride. This Pride Month, Northern Sydney Local Health District (NSLHD) reflected on achievements since appointing its first LGBTIQ+ Project Officer, Jemma Clifton.

added. “I’m passionate about promoting LGBTIQ+ education in NSLHD and love answering difficult questions about diversity. “We recently hosted an ‘Ask Us Anything’ Q&A session which was thrilling. “This provided a safe space for individuals to ask difficult questions about gender diversity,” she said.

NSLHD recently received a Bronze Award at the 2024 Australian Pride in Health and Wellbeing Awards, marking a significant milestone in LGBTQ+ inclusivity. Under Jemma Clifton’s leadership, NSLHD has been implementing the NSW Health LGBTIQ+ strategy to address healthcare needs and barriers, establish workplace policies, and engage with the Northern Sydney LGBTIQ+ community. “Creating safe and welcoming spaces for LGBTIQ+ individuals is vital,” said Jemma. “We’ve established an LGBTIQ+ Strategy Steering Committee, developed an intranet page for education and resources, and worked directly with services to upskill staff and establish inclusive care infrastructure. “Clinic 16, NSLHD’s sexual health clinic, stands as a model for equitable access and quality care for LGBTQ+ individuals. NSLHD aims to replicate Clinic 16’s inclusive practices across all services.” For staff wanting to be involved in LGBTIQ+ inclusivity work, Jemma encourages participation in the Pride+ employee network. “We provide advocacy, support, and social events for LGBTQ+ employees and allies,” she

Dash Gray, Manager, Allied Health, HIV and Sexual Health and Jemma Clifton at Clinic 16



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