MBA Alumni and Student Conference

Disruptive AI:  How can organisations keep up with the rapidly changing technology landscape? Saturday 22 July - Sunday 23 July

MBA Alumni and Student Conference Disruptive AI: How can organisations keep up with the rapidly changing technology landscape?

Saturday 22 July - Sunday 23 July








Day one


Day two



First UK business school to be triple accredited and to receive the Athena SWAN Silver Award for improving gender equality.



MBA Alumni and Student Conference


Welcome to Warwick Business School’s inaugural MBA Alumni and Student Conference on the theme ‘Disruptive AI: how can organisations keep up with the rapidly changing technology landscape?’ We’ve organised an outstanding programme of inputs and conversations around the emerging artificial intelligence technologies, and their potential positive impact and challenge to our current business and social models. The conference contributors are a mixture of MBA alumni and School associates, and their inputs will provide the springboard into in-depth reflection on our potential responses and strategies to harness the benefits and mitigate the risks of AI. It’s fantastic to be able to welcome you back to our Warwick campus to explore this very important topic and the team at WBS is very much looking forward to reconnecting with you. I hope you have an enjoyable time at the conference, meeting your fellow attendees and taking part in the wide range of discussions and events.

We’re thrilled to welcome you to our inaugural MBA Alumni and Student Conference, as the Academic Leads. Thanks to the input of many of you, the theme we have selected for this year is Disruptive AI. We believe that the programme reflects the hard work that has gone into creating something special for all of you, with a balance of content on AI opportunities, as well as the challenges for business and organisations. We hope that the knowledge, ideas, and professional connections you gain at the conference will be valuable for you individually and at work. Our vision is to run this conference annually. If you enjoy this year’s sessions, why not give us your thoughts for next year’s theme, or consider giving a talk or facilitating a workshop? Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you’re interested in taking part. We look forward to meeting you and here’s to a lively weekend of discussion and debate!

Professor Andy Lockett Dean, Warwick Business School

Dr Harveen Chugh Associate Professor Course Director (Global Online MBA - London)

Dr Mo Moeini Associate Professor Course Director (Global Online MBA - Warwick)



MBA Alumni and Student Conference

Pre-conference: Friday 21 July




From 6pm

All conference attendees are welcome to attend a drop-in drinks reception event. There will be a bar for you to buy drinks.

Benugo Bar & Kitchen Warwick Arts Centre

6th in the UK Full-time MBA Financial Times Global MBA Ranking 2023

4th in the UK Executive MBA Financial Times Executive MBA Ranking 2022

2nd in the world Global Online MBA Financial Times Online MBA Ranking 2023



MBA Alumni and Student Conference

Day one: Saturday 22 July

Interactive careers workshop sessions (Parallel sessions, delegates to select one to attend) 2pm – 3.30pm AI: Phantom or saviour?




Day 1 registration

8.45am – 9.30am

Oculus Foyer Oculus Foyer

Oculus Breakout Space

9.30am – 10am Arrival coffee

(What is wrong with modern work, and can AI restore what makes work human?) Grantley Morgan, Future of Work Senior Analyst at EY and Founder of Hipertalent Challenges and risks with AI adoption, ensuring transparency, interpretability, fairness, and explainability in AI models Andrew Tongue, WBS alum and Lead Consultant at Agile Solutions How can leaders harness the power of AI to develop their people? Sarah Alexander, Director of Vivid Learning & Development Ltd Driving innovation in business: A roadmap on creating value and unlocking opportunities with AI Maxim Cramer, Founder and CEO at MENNENIA

Welcome and opening session with Professor Ross Ritchie, Associate Dean (Postgraduate Business and Management Programmes)

10am – 10.15am

Oculus Lecture Room, OC1.05

Keynote Address

Oculus Lecture Room, OC1.05

Oculus Breakout Space

Who will profit from the Generative AI gold rush? Simon Greenman, Partner at Best Practice AI

10.15am – 11am

11am – 11.30am Coffee break Industry discussion and networking

Oculus Foyer

Oculus Breakout Space

Oculus Breakout Space

11.30am –12.30pm Industry-focused discussion and networking: How is AI disrupting your sector? 12.30pm – 1.30pm Lunch

Oculus Foyer

Academic viewpoint

Oculus Lecture Room, OC1.05

Oculus Breakout Space

Domain driven AI: Data driven decision making in a post-model world Dr Michael Mortenson, Associate Professor (Reader) at WBS

1.30pm – 2pm

3.30pm – 4pm Coffee break

Oculus Foyer

Academic & industry ‘AI Fireside Chat’

Oculus Lecture Room, OC1.05

When AI meets strategy Moderator: Dr Remi Abere, WBS alum and CEO/Founder of RoebiGlobal Academic: Professor Christian Stadler, Professor of Strategic Management at WBS Industry: Richard Carter, WBS alum and Co-Founder/CEO of Tulpa Ltd

4pm – 5pm

5pm – 7pm

Free time

Opening networking dinner

The Slate

7pm – 10pm

To include a talk from Karen Barker, Director of Stakeholder Engagement at WBS



MBA Alumni and Student Conference

Keynote address 10.15am – 11am

Academic viewpoint 1.30pm – 2pm

Domain driven AI: Data driven decision making in a post-model world Oculus Lecture Room, OC1.05

Who will profit from the Generative AI gold rush? Oculus Lecture Room, OC1.05

The Generative AI gold rush is truly under way with billions being poured into an explosion of start-ups aiming to disrupt industries, such as computer coding, law, marketing, media and gaming. Meanwhile, Big Tech giants are fiercely competing to position themselves as the go-to infrastructure. So who will strike it rich? And how will governments and society navigate the adoption and regulation of this ground-breaking technology? Find out more in this keynote address. This session will be introduced by Dr Mo Moeini, Associate Professor and Course Director (Global Online MBA - Warwick).

With the explosive growth of large language models, in many cases the emphasis for data science work and data-driven decision-making moves from building models to designing prompts and “chaining” AI requests. This talk aims to explore what implications this may have for the modern organisation and proposes a model of domain-driven data enrichment as a collaborative effort of data professionals and subject matter experts. This session will be introduced by Dr Mo Moeini, Associate Professor and Course Director (Global Online MBA - Warwick).

Simon Greenman Partner at Best Practice AI and Global Innovator, World Economic Forum Simon Greenman is a global AI and technology innovator with over 25 years’ experience as an executive, investor, and director. He was a Co-founder of MapQuest, one of the first internet and AI brands. Simon is a Partner at Best Practice AI where he advises executives and investors on AI strategy, implementation, and responsible AI governance. He is a Global Innovator at the World Economic Forum and former member of the World Economic Forum’s Global AI Council, where he was a key contributor to the development of their AI Boardroom and C-Suite toolkits. He also has over a decade of experience as Chief Digital Officer, leading media transformations for private equity owned firms, and he was the CEO of HomeAdvisor Europe, a leading local services marketplace. He is an advisor to DN Capital and a former AI Expert in Residence (EIR) at Seedcamp. In addition, he serves as Co-Chair of the HBS Alumni Angels of London and is a Fellow of the Royal Geographic Society. He holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and a BA in Computing and Artificial Intelligence from the University of Sussex.

Dr Michael Mortensen Associate Professor (Reader) at WBS

Michael holds an MSc from the University of Warwick and a PhD from Loughborough University, researching university curricula for analytics and data science. His current work focuses on the practical application of analytics and data science in business, as well as the skill requirements in these industries. His current teaching, primarily on the WBS MSc in Business Analytics, covers a wide range of topics such as deep learning, simulation, data visualisation, and combinatorial optimisation. In his previous roles at Warwick, he has designed and led several new modules at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. These have covered a wide range of topics including Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning, Big Data and Data Engineering, Cloud Native Development and Business Analytics and Visualisation. Alongside his academic role at WBS, he has worked on data science and AI projects for clients such as Amazon Web Services, Vodafone and Newcastle Airport.



MBA Alumni and Student Conference

Interactive careers workshop sessions 2pm – 3.30pm Session A AI: Phantom or saviour? (What is wrong with modern work, and can AI restore what makes work human?) Oculus Breakout Space Some say AI is the most important innovation since the railroads, while others warn of the existential risks to societies. How should we think about AI in the workplace, and why might it be perfectly timed to help us adapt to the new working world? Used responsibly, AI promises to restore the time and energy we’ve lost to digital debt since digitisation and the transition to hybrid work. It can save us from the productivity slump and engagement abyss, by revolutionising how we team, hire, perform and learn. Join us to explore a radical manifesto for using AI to restore the human centricity of work. This session will be introduced by Dr Michael Mortenson, Associate Professor (Reader).

Session B Challenges and risks with AI adoption, ensuring transparency, interpretability, fairness, and explainability in AI models Oculus Breakout Space A robust data governance approach can set the foundations for AI capabilities, reducing the risks and enabling safe development of AI within an organisation. This workshop will cover how data governance, readiness for change, AI governance, and the process of explainable AI (XAI) can support successful AI adoption.

Grantley Morgan Future of Work Senior Analyst at EY and Founder of Hipertalent

Andrew Tongue WBS alum and Lead Consultant at Agile Solutions

This session will be introduced by Kate Friend, Director of WBS CareersPlus & Employer Relations.

After obtaining a Biochemistry degree from Birmingham University, Andrew’s career began at Mercedes-Benz Financial Services (MBFS), working as a Customer Retail Analyst. In this role he reported on retailer performance across the UK and then progressed to Customer Data Manager, managing a team focused on national retention programmes such as customer lifetime value and propensity models. In addition to this, he supported the on-boarding of countries across Europe with equity and parity analysis tools. After completing his Full-time MBA at WBS, he headed Data Strategy for MBFS, outlining data governance practises, data culture, and redesign of reporting data models. Andrew is now Lead Consultant in data governance and data strategy at Agile Solutions. He currently works with a large government client and national finance service clients, looking at technologies to create automated data cataloguing and tagging of metadata to ensure sensitive, regulated data is managed correctly in accordance with laws. He also has a wider research and innovation role at Agile, considering future technologies such as AI and their impact on data governance.

Grantley is a Senior Analyst at EY, covering the Future of Work. His consulting career has also included time with Deloitte and Accenture. He has helped clients, ranging from global banks and pharmaceutical giants to EV start-ups, decode the future of work and define a set of talent accelerators for faster growth. Grantley is also the Founder of Hipertalent, a social impact consultancy. Through development programmes for leaders and social sustainability accreditations for organisations, Hipertalent aims to guide businesses to ever greater human outcomes. Additionally, Grantley also chairs an annual conference, Future Work Scenarios, which tracks emerging work practices.



MBA Alumni and Student Conference

Session C How can leaders harness the power of AI to develop their people? Oculus Breakout Space This session will explore the intersection of Al and people development, looking at how AI can be effectively leveraged by leaders to maximise talent, professional growth and human potential. We will consider theoretical and practical ideas on how AI can help with some of the biggest challenges facing leaders, including engaging and retaining staff, the remote work revolution, employee wellbeing and mental health, the talent shortage, team productivity and motivation, and building diverse and inclusive cultures. This session will be introduced by Dr Achim Krausert, Associate Professor and Director of the Student Experience.

Session D Driving innovation in business: A roadmap on creating value and unlocking opportunities with AI Oculus Breakout Space Unlocking the power of AI and driving business innovation is vital for organisations which are navigating the ever-changing technology landscape. Join us for a workshop, designed to equip you with the knowledge and entrepreneurial mindset needed to harness AI’s potential by learning to ideate, categorise, and assess opportunities. Additionally, the workshop will delve into cost-effective testing and iterative implementation approaches used by start-ups and innovation labs, enabling you and your business to minimise risk while maximising outcomes. You’ll leave the workshop with a personalised roadmap for accelerating innovation, creating tangible value, and seizing transformative opportunities in the disruptive AI era.

Sarah Alexander Director of Vivid Learning & Development Ltd

Maxim Cramer Founder and CEO at MENNENIA

Maxim Cramer is Founder and CEO of MENNENIA, a consultancy which aims to empower founders to confidently create technology for a better world. She blends a deeply technical background with design thinking and strategy, making tech simple and accessible for founders and executives. She’s worked on apps that have seen over a million downloads on launch, won Emmy’s, and been featured by Apple in retail stores around the globe. Maxim now teaches Tech Literacy, to allow founders to build products with less headaches and more confidence.

Sarah is a highly experienced Executive and Leadership Coach, and Director of Vivid Learning & Development Ltd. For over 11 years, she has delivered executive coaching, leadership development, training programmes, and learning and development consultancy for the private and public sector in the UK and internationally. Sarah has a Diploma in Coaching and a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Warwick, as well as Master’s degree from Imperial College London. She is also a certified Positive Psychologist. For more than a decade, Sarah worked for GlaxoSmithKline, where she first realised her flair for coaching and developing others. She regularly undertakes continuing professional development with the Association for Coaching, a leading global Coaching organisation of which she is a Coaching Fellow, the highest level of membership. Her first book, ‘Transforming Performance at Work: The Power of Positive Psychology’, was published by Critical Publishing in May 2023 as part of their Business In Mind series.

This session will be introduced by Nuo Xu, WBS Careers Manager.



MBA Alumni and Student Conference

Academic & industry ‘AI Fireside Chat’  | 4pm – 5pm

Oculus Lecture Room, OC1.05

Rich Carter and Professor Christian Stadler will talk about competing in the world of AI, unintended consequences and future implications.

Moderator: Dr Remi Abere WBS alum and Founder/CEO of RoebiGlobal Remi Abere is the Founder/CEO of RoebiGlobal and completed a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) at WBS. A dynamic executive training consultant, she is revolutionising African tech talent through innovative assessments, online learning, and personalised mentorship, empowering individuals for local and remote employment and digital entrepreneurship. Passionate about shaping the future of education, Remi brings impactful projects to public schools, leveraging funds through sporting charity challenges. With over 30 years’ experience, spanning IT, Finance, Corporate Communications, Business Development, Sustainability, and Marketing, Remi has led strategic and operational projects across Africa, including the development of IBM’s CSR/Sustainability agendas and community investment portfolios. As an AI user and industry insider, she has gained valuable insights into the practical applications of AI and has witnessed first-hand its transformative power. Remi is a Chartered Accountant, embraces adventures and is an avid cyclist. She was the first African woman to conquer Mount Kilimanjaro twice within a span of four months.

Speaker: Professor Christian Stadler Professor of Strategic Management at WBS Christian Stadler is a Professor of Strategic Management. Prior to joining WBS, he was at the University of Bath School of Management, Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, and Innsbruck University. Christian addresses fundamental strategic questions that enable companies to grow, adapt, and consistently beat their competitors. In his book ‘Open Strategy. Mastering Disruption from Outside the C-Suite’, he explains how companies can craft strategy in a new unconventional way which is tailor-made for today’s faster, more volatile business environment. Christian teaches Strategic Advantage on the Executive MBA, Global Online MBA and Global Online MBA (London). His work has been featured in Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, Bloomberg Business Week, Fast Company, Fortune/CNN, and the BBC, and has been translated into 11 languages. In 2021, he was shortlisted for a Thinkers50 Strategy Award. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Product Innovation Management, and Strategic Organization.

Speaker: Richard Carter WBS alum and Co-Founder/CEO of Tulpa Ltd Rich is Co-Founder and CEO of Tulpa Ltd, an AI start-up which is developing a platform to optimise human and machine intelligence. He is also a Senior Research Consultant and Strategic Advisor at The Alan Turing Institute. He completed a Global Online MBA (formerly known as the Distance Learning MBA) at WBS. For most of his 25-year career, Rich has been a computer scientist and leader in the UK’s Defence and Security sector, with stints in the Video Games industry and in academia, where he co- founded the UK’s first national nanotechnology centre at Newcastle University. More recently, he simultaneously led the development of the National Cyber Force’s AI strategy and GCHQ’s AI strategy, and built the teams who are now operationalising those strategies. In 2012, Rich published a book on AI called ‘Cognitive Advantage’. His peer-reviewed work has been published in journals such as the Royal Society journal and his public-facing work has featured in The Guardian, The Times, and New Scientist. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, a Fellow of the British Computer Society, and a Chartered IT Professional.



MBA Alumni and Student Conference

Day two: Sunday 23 July




3pm – 3.30pm Coffee break and networking

Oculus Foyer

Day 2 registration

9am – 9.30am

Oculus Foyer Oculus Foyer

Breakout sessions: Emerging applications of AI (Parallel sessions, delegates to select one to attend)

9am – 9.30am Arrival and coffee

Day 2 welcome Dr Mo Moeini, Associate Professor and Course Director (Global Online MBA - Warwick)

9.30am – 9.45am

Oculus Lecture Room, OC1.05

Empowering the organisation through AI transformation Ulas Malli, Global Senior Big Data and AI Manager at Vodafone Optimise your business performance with Artificial Intelligence Georges Acar, WBS alum and Co-Founder/ CEO of Inquizyt Navigating language technology for organisations Rafael Garcia-Krailing, WBS alum and Head of Operations at AutogenAI Leveraging AI for enhanced decision-making: Insights from the pharmaceutical industry Enzo Troncone, current Global Online MBA student at WBS and Founder/CEO of Butterfly Decisions

3.30pm – 4.10pm

Oculus Breakout Space

Speaker Series: Critical thinking about AI

Oculus Lecture Room, OC1.05

Oculus Breakout Space

Decoding AI hype: How the way we talk about AI shapes the future Tania Duarte, Founder of We and AI, and Coordinator of Better Images of AI AI and ethics: Shaping a responsible future Malika Malik, AI practitioner at a big tech firm in the UK

9.45am – 11am

Oculus Breakout Space

11am – 11.30am Coffee break and networking

Oculus Foyer

Speaker Series: Critical thinking and practical applications of AI Oculus Lecture Room, OC1.05 11.30am –12.30pm The future ‘now’ of work: Automation and human augmentation Deepak Karwal, WBS alum and Vice President of XpertRule AI software Breaking barriers, shaping tomorrow: Unravelling the transformative power of AI for sustainable business innovation Belinda Djamson, WBS alum and Managing Director (Data & Artificial Intelligence) at Accenture

Oculus Breakout Space

The impact of AI on the car insurance industry Armin Kia, Co-Founder and CEO of Driverly

Oculus Breakout Space

Plenary Keynote Address with Q&A

Oculus Lecture Room, OC1.05

12.30pm – 1.30pm


Oculus Foyer

Facilitated panel discussion with WBS Global Alumni Engagement, CareersPlus and Employer Relations

Oculus Lecture Room, OC1.05

Delivering business impact with AI Tarv Nijjar, Global Senior Director (Data Analytics & AI) at McDonald’s

4.15pm – 5pm

AI and Wellbeing: mental health, resilience and coping in a connected world Chair: Sarah Jackson, Careers Manager at WBS

1.30pm – 3pm

5pm – 6pm

Free time

Panel: Stuart Firth, current Global Online MBA student at WBS Dr Fiona Pienaar, Senior Clinical Advisor at Mental Health Innovations and Shout

Closing Gala Dinner (Transport provided)

British Motor Museum

Al Crawford, current Executive MBA student at WBS Leon Rodin, CxO, COO, and Co-founder of MyMynd Bola Adesina, WBS alum and Future of Work, L&G Programme Manager and DEI Advisor at Legal & General Investment Management

6pm – 11pm

Private museum viewing, networking and drinks reception Talk from Professor James Hayton, Pro-Dean (External Affairs)



MBA Alumni and Student Conference

Speaker Series Critical thinking about AI  | 9.45am – 11am

Decoding AI hype: How the way we talk about AI shapes the future Oculus Lecture Room, OC1.05

AI and ethics: Shaping a responsible future Oculus Lecture Room, OC1.05

This talk will break down the different ways in which AI is framed and the different narratives used by media, tech companies, politicians and researchers. It will provide insight into the motivations and agendas behind the often misleading and inaccurate representations of AI technologies, in order to consider what this means for consumer trust, corporate accountability, AI governance, innovation and the AI arms race. This session will be introduced by Dr Mo Moeini, Associate Professor and Course Director (Global Online MBA - Warwick).

In this talk, Malika Malik will delve into the transformative future of Artificial Intelligence. With a focus on responsible AI development, she’ll share her insights on the ethical considerations intrinsic to AI innovation. She’ll also highlight the crucial role of AI literacy, emphasising the need to develop skills that will be instrumental in navigating the ever-evolving AI landscape. Steering away from the theoretical, this talk aims to provide a clear, practical understanding of AI’s future trajectory, its ethical implications, and the skill sets required to thrive in this exciting field. Attendees will walk away with a deeper understanding of AI’s potential and the tools to harness it effectively. This session will be introduced by Dr Mo Moeini, Associate Professor and Course Director (Global Online MBA - Warwick).

Malika Malik AI practitioner at a big tech firm in the UK

Tania Duarte Founder of We and AI, and Coordinator of Better Images of AI

Malika is a distinguished AI leader at a big tech firm in the UK and an alumna of the London School of Economics, where she earned her MSc in Data Science. Prior to her current role, she was a Machine Learning Architect at Microsoft. Malika’s influence stretches across continents as she advises both the All Party Parliamen- tary Group on AI in the UK and the Atal Innovation Mission in India. An awardee of Tech Women 100 UK and named one of the Most Influential Women in Tech in the UK in 2021, Malika champions ethical AI and di - versity in the tech industry. She is focused on shaping the future of AI, mentoring the next generation, and innovating AI applications.

Tania is the Founder of We and AI (weandai. org), a UK non-profit focusing on better AI literacy for all. We and AI designs non-skills- based education on AI technologies and advises on inclusive and meaningful communication and decision making around AI. Programmes include, a collaboration with BBC R&D and a global community of academics, activists, institutes, and artists. Prior to founding We and AI, Tania spent 30 years in consultancy, commercial and marketing management roles in industries including retail, tourism, media, healthcare and education. In the last decade she has worked in tech and start-ups, including as CMO at TPX Impact and Head of Marketing and Communications at FutureLearn. Tania is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and has an MBA and a Diploma in Digital Business Leadership. She is also on the Founding Editorial Board for the Springer AI and Ethics Journal, and on the Public Engagement and Ecosystem Strategy Advisory Board of the UK’s national institute for data science and artificial intelligence, The Alan Turing Institute.



MBA Alumni and Student Conference

Speaker Series Critical thinking and practical applications of AI | 11.30am – 12.30pm

The future ‘now’ of work: Automation and human augmentation Oculus Lecture Room, OC1.05 This talk will focus on going beyond the myths of automation, to share how technologies and practices are being adopted to drive the automation and human augmentation of work across industries today, and what this may tell us about the future of work and AI.

Breaking barriers, shaping tomorrow: Unravelling the transformative power of AI for sustainable business innovation Oculus Lecture Room, OC1.05 The world as we know it has changed forever. The emergence of ML and AI and subsequent evolution of the same to generative AI and LLMs means some of the hardest challenges we face in the world can now be solved quickly and more intelligently. Crucially, some of the things we care about most such as business growth, efficiency, cost reduction, sustainability, and ethics, which often seem like conflicting themes, can be woven into the very fabric of business as mutually symbiotic strands of a whole. This talk will delve into how some of the best businesses are using AI to transform how they approach these challenges, and in doing so are shaping more sustainable business models for the future which break down historic, previously immovable barriers.

This session will be introduced by Dr Giovanni Radaelli, Associate Professor and MBA Capstone Director.

Belinda Djamson WBS alum and Managing Director (Data & Artificial Intelligence) at Accenture Belinda is a Managing Director in Applied Intelligence and leads AAI sustainability capability across Europe. With a WBS MSc in Management of Information Systems & Digital Innovation, she has over 20 years’ experience in data and analytics management, combining deep industry expertise and advisory work across financial services and high-tech industries. She is a thought leader on complex data-driven transformation, underpinned by technology and AI, and helps organisations build foundational data management capabilities to enable digital transformation efforts. She is a subject matter expert on regulatory and compliance analytics, data governance, metadata, master and reference data management, analytics governance including AI ethics, regulatory compliance and oversight. Belinda is passionate about elevating women and underrepresented groups in data and analytics and sponsors various internal initiatives, including Black Founders’ Program, Women in Data and Women in Tech networks.

Deepak Karwal WBS alum and Vice President at XpertRule

Deepak is a technology professional working at the intersection of AI and the future of work. He has spent the last decade specialising in designing and delivering automation of work programmes across industries globally, including financial services, telecommunications, and retail. Deepak is also the author of ‘The Automated Enterprise: Digital Reinvention Through Intelligent Automation’ which highlights the role Intelligent Automation has to play in driving the digital transformation agenda, and how this can be scaled to drive value. He has been involved in a number of technology start-ups and is currently a Vice President at XpertRule, an AI software company specialising in the emerging field of Decision Intelligence. Deepak holds a BSc in Physics, an MSc in IT, and a Postgraduate Certificate in Business from WBS.

This session will be introduced by Dr Giovanni Radaelli, Associate Professor and MBA Capstone Director.



MBA Alumni and Student Conference

Facilitated panel discussion 1.30pm – 3pm

AI and wellbeing: mental health, resilience and coping in a connected world Oculus Lecture Room, OC1.05

In this panel discussion, we will be exploring how AI can empower us to optimise our health and wellbeing, including tips to help us build our resilience. This session will be introduced by Dr Sarah Pymm, Director of WBS Global Alumni Engagement.

Chair: Sarah Jackson Careers Manager at WBS

Stuart Firth Current Global Online MBA student at WBS

Dr Fiona Pienaar Senior Clinical Advisor at Mental Health Innovations and Shout Fiona is the Senior Clinical Advisor for Mental Health Innovations, with a focus on ensuring the organisation is keeping abreast of global and national mental health trends, research and developments. In her previous role, Fiona was Director of Clinical Services at Place2Be. She is also a Clinical Lead for the New Zealand Telehealth Service, Whakarongorau Aotearoa. Fiona has more than 30 years’ experience, including teaching at both school and tertiary level, the development of digital clinical services, mental health research, and resource development across South Africa, New Zealand and the UK. She has taught on the postgraduate counselling programmes at the University of Auckland and the University of Cambridge, as well as on the CONTED programme at the University of Oxford. Her research has focused primarily on children and young people’s experiences of stress and coping. She has a PhD in Behavioural Science from the University of Auckland, a MEd in Counselling, and a Professional Certificate in Executive Coaching.

Stuart is a seasoned cyber security and threat intelligence professional with over 20 years of experience across the British military and private sector. He has demonstrated empathetic leadership at organisations such as HSBC, Standard Chartered Bank, Dyson, and Centrica Plc, where he led and advised on various cybersecurity initiatives. Medically discharged in 2016 for mental health, he has sought a balance between work and wellbeing and promoted acceptance and understanding of men’s mental health. More recently, Stuart has been investigating how AI can be used to mitigate ‘alert fatigue’ experienced by many less mature defensive cybersecurity teams.

Sarah is the Careers Manager for MBAs at WBS, where she coordinates and delivers a range of careers management and skills workshops for students and alumni. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers and has a BEng degree in Mechanical Engineering from Sheffield University, as well as a Diploma in Coaching and a Master’s degree in Career Development and Coaching Studies from the University of Warwick. She is a fully licensed psychometric tester, fully accredited in Spotlight, Insights, MBTI (step I &II), FIRO-B, Belbin and SHL level A and level B. Prior to joining WBS, Sarah managed the Global Graduate Programme for IMI Plc with responsibility for recruitment through to managing and developing their engineering and commercial graduates.



MBA Alumni and Student Conference

Al Crawford Current Executive MBA student at WBS

Leon Rodin CxO, COO, and Co-founder of MyMynd

Bola Adesina WBS alum and Future of Work, L&G Programme Manager and DEI Advisor at Legal & General Investment Management Bola, a WBS alum who completed our Global Online MBA (formerly known as the Distance Learning MBA), works as a Technologist and DEI Advisor and has had a career spanning over 20 years across public and private sectors. In the last few years, Bola’s work has straddled both Tech and HR worlds as Global DEI Partner and now by leading the Future of Work programme at Legal & General Investment Management. She is responsible for sourcing a new integrated Workplace Management System that will enhance the employee experience in a hybrid world. She is an award-winning advocate for equality and won the 2022 WeAreTheCity Rising Star Award in the Asset Management category. She was also listed as a HERoes 100 Women Future Leader. In addition to her MBA from WBS, she holds a BSc in Computer Science.

Leon is the CxO, COO and Co-founder of MyMynd, a mental health platform that empowers wellbeing through science, technology and real-human support. With more than 20 years’ experience as an intrapreneur and entrepreneur in public/ education/charity sectors, he pioneered the world’s first automated competency-based e-learning platform at an East London start-up. As a senior leader in a global disability charity, he spearheaded award-winning initiatives. Before launching MyMynd, he ran a boutique consultancy serving education and public sectors. Leon holds an Executive MBA from Saïd Business School, an MSc in Business and IT, and a BSc in Physics.

Alistair is currently the COO of Mental Health Innovations, a charity that uses digital technology to improve mental health. In 2018 he helped found the Shout 85258 service, providing 24/7 mental health crisis support. A former Royal Navy officer and helicopter pilot, he combines broad experience across aviation, mental health, and medical services in the UK and USA. He has a strong operations management background and saw operational service in Libya, the Middle East, and Indian Ocean. A keen runner, he can often be found in the hills of Dorset getting ready for a race of some kind.



MBA Alumni and Student Conference

Breakout sessions Emerging applications of AI | 3.30pm – 4.10pm

Session A Empowering the organisation through AI transformation Oculus Breakout Space

Session B Navigating language technology for organisations Oculus Breakout Space

This talk will explore the transformative power of AI and its ability to unlock new frontiers and empower organisations to thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of business. This session will be introduced by Sarah Jackson, Careers Manager at WBS.

This talk will explore how cutting-edge natural language processing solutions can enable organisations to write compelling content for their businesses. It will look at how AI can work alongside human ingenuity and how to navigate language technology.

Rafael Garcia-Krailing WBS alum and Head of Operations at AutogenAI

Ulas Malli Global Senior Big Data and AI Manager at Vodafone

This session will be introduced by Dr Melody Zou, Assistant Professor.

Specialising in change management and b usiness development, Raf has experience working on large capital projects worth over £300 million. He has been fortunate enough to be involved in Public, Private and Charity sector initiatives, giving him a unique perspective on governance and strategic planning. Within these experiences, he has successfully managed turnarounds and won national awards for environmental sustainability. In recent years, Raf has been working on organisational transformation projects within the Healthcare and Education industries, with a particular focus on the impacts of a merger on organisational culture and revenue generation. Raf is a qualified Prince2 Project Management Practitioner and has an MSc in International Business from WBS, as well as a BA in Sports Marketing & Management.

At Vodafone, Ulas is responsible for expanding Big Data/AI models and strategies to enhance customer experience, drive growth, and improve customer retention. With a background in consulting, supply chain, and FMCG sectors, Ulas leverages the power of data and analytics to create value for his organisation. He holds an MBA from Imperial Business School, completed an AI programme at the University of Oxford, and has a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering. Ulas also mentors start-ups and small companies in adopting AI for growth and innovation. In addition, his latest passion centres on the implementation of Generative AI, notably in the form of ChatGPT for business applications. Fascinated by the transformative capabilities of this technology, Ulas actively explores its potential in enhancing customer interactions, optimising operations, and generating novel solutions.



MBA Alumni and Student Conference

Session C Leveraging AI for enhanced decision-making: Insights from the pharmaceutical industry Oculus Breakout Space

Session D Optimise your business performance with Artificial Intelligence Oculus Breakout Space Deploying Artificial Intelligence remains complex for companies, especially for mid-caps and SMEs that don’t have the skills. Georges Acar is the Co-Founder and CEO of Inquizyt which proposes to simplify integration, configuration and use with a state-of-the-art, all-in-one AI platform (Composite AI), which is easy to integrate with existing systems through innovative interfacing. This session will be introduced by Professor

Enzo Troncone will showcase how Butterfly Decisions utilises artificial intelligence to support expert panel discussions and analyse expert judgment. Drawing on real-world examples from the pharmaceutical industry, he will demonstrate how advanced decision-making technologies can empower organisations to make more informed and effective decisions. This session will be introduced by Dr Bernard Crump, Professor of Practice in Healthcare and Leadership and MBA Module Leader.

Georges (Gio) Acar WBS alum and Co-Founder/CEO of Inquizyt

Enzo Troncone Current Global Online MBA student at WBS and Founder/CEO of Butterfly Decisions Enzo is a highly accomplished professional with a strong background in engineering and decision science. With over 13 years’ experience working for prestigious multinational companies, he has developed expertise in optimising decision-making processes using advanced technologies. Enzo holds a PhD in a related field and is currently completing a Global Online MBA (formerly known as the Distance Learning MBA) at WBS. He combines his technical knowledge with business acumen to provide innovative solutions that drive strategic success for organisations. As the Founder and CEO of Butterfly Decisions, a multi-award-winning Italian technology start-up, Enzo has successfully served numerous multinational clients, including major players in the pharmaceutical industry.

Gio is an experienced professional with over 20 years’ experience in the financial services industry. A WBS Executive MBA alum, he has been involved in technology innovation and business development throughout his career, and has worked with some of the biggest names in the industry. In more recent years, Gio has been focused on AI projects. He recognized early on the potential of this technology to revolutionise the market and has been working tirelessly to build sustainable AI platforms that can deliver tangible results. Inquizyt’s platform leverages machine learning to deliver superior results and has the potential to significantly improve the efficiency and profitability of enterprises.

John Rudd, Head of the Marketing Group and MBA Module Leader.



MBA Alumni and Student Conference

Session E The impact of AI on the car insurance industry Oculus Breakout Space

This talk will look at the impact of AI on the car insurance industry. With mobile phones, electric vehicles and emerging Connected Car and Autonomous Vehicle technologies, the depth and breadth of data available on customers’ driving is at unprecedented levels. This means that the traditional approach to data analytics will not work in this new era. As a result, AI is changing all different aspects of car insurance, from risk assessment and pricing to customer engagement and operations management. The talk will also share Driverly’s case study, an award-winning insurtech based in Cardiff. This session will be introduced by Dr Bo Kelestyn, Associate Professor and Course Director (MSc Management of Information Systems & Digital Innovation).

Armin Kia Co-Founder and CEO of Driverly

Armin is a FinTech/InsurTech entrepreneur, passionate about developing new tech-led customer propositions. With a background in technology and an MBA from Alliance Manchester Business School, in 2014 Armin joined Admiral Group, the largest car insurer in the UK, where he used data and technology to innovate Admiral’s existing product lines and launch new products for the Group. He started Driverly in 2021 to make car insurance work for young drivers. Driverly offers flexible monthly subscription policies, powered by AI, designed for young drivers. The start-up uses AI algorithms to assess the customer’s driving risk more effectively than the market and to adjust the insurance premiums on a monthly basis, more dynamically than the competition. The start-up won the Fintech Start-up of the Year award and has been shortlisted for the Best Use of AI award in 2023.



MBA Alumni and Student Conference

Plenary Keynote Address with Q&A 4.15pm – 5pm

Post-conference: Monday 24 July

Delivering business impact with AI Oculus Lecture Room, OC1.05




9am – 11.30am All conference attendees are welcome to attend a drop-in breakfast event. Pastries and fresh coffee will be provided. This is an opportunity to continue networking and tour around WBS to reminisce.

WBS MBA Lounge

In a world changing at super speed, Tarv Nijjar will share his experiences of solving problems using data and AI at scale, with the right support across the enterprise. As business leaders, what should we know, and how can we demystify it for everyone? This helps build an effective talent pipeline for the future, enabling us to solve business and customer problems at a speed that delivers value and impact. These concepts are brought to life with real examples from the biggest restaurant company in the world. This session will be introduced by Dr Bo Kelestyn, Associate Professor and Course Director (MSc Management of Information Systems & Digital Innovation).

Tarv Nijjar Global Senior Director (Data Analytics & AI) at McDonald’s Tarv Nijjar is a Global Senior Director at McDonald’s within their Customer Experience Transformation team. He is

passionate about solving complex problems with data and democratising Data Science and Artificial Intelligence for all. Before joining McDonald’s, Tarv held a Global Director role at Mars, where he spearheaded Artificial Intelligence programmes, solving the businesses most complex problems at scale and driving change throughout the enterprise. During this time, he was fortunate to partner with some of the brightest minds in AI, including Satya Nadella (Microsoft CEO), Andrew Ng (Baidu & Coursera), Kai-Fu Lee (Author AI 2041) and Professor Stuart Russell (Berkeley). Tarv found his passion for AI after completing his degree in Computer Science at the University of Edinburgh and became curious in its applications in business. After five years in Finance and Investment Banking, Tarv transitioned to CPGs where he had the opportunity to learn, explore and drive change across a multitude of business functions including Sales, Strategy, Finance and Digital - both within the UK market and at a global level.



MBA Alumni and Student Conference


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