MBA Alumni and Student Conference

Keynote address 10.15am – 11am

Academic viewpoint 1.30pm – 2pm

Domain driven AI: Data driven decision making in a post-model world Oculus Lecture Room, OC1.05

Who will profit from the Generative AI gold rush? Oculus Lecture Room, OC1.05

The Generative AI gold rush is truly under way with billions being poured into an explosion of start-ups aiming to disrupt industries, such as computer coding, law, marketing, media and gaming. Meanwhile, Big Tech giants are fiercely competing to position themselves as the go-to infrastructure. So who will strike it rich? And how will governments and society navigate the adoption and regulation of this ground-breaking technology? Find out more in this keynote address. This session will be introduced by Dr Mo Moeini, Associate Professor and Course Director (Global Online MBA - Warwick).

With the explosive growth of large language models, in many cases the emphasis for data science work and data-driven decision-making moves from building models to designing prompts and “chaining” AI requests. This talk aims to explore what implications this may have for the modern organisation and proposes a model of domain-driven data enrichment as a collaborative effort of data professionals and subject matter experts. This session will be introduced by Dr Mo Moeini, Associate Professor and Course Director (Global Online MBA - Warwick).

Simon Greenman Partner at Best Practice AI and Global Innovator, World Economic Forum Simon Greenman is a global AI and technology innovator with over 25 years’ experience as an executive, investor, and director. He was a Co-founder of MapQuest, one of the first internet and AI brands. Simon is a Partner at Best Practice AI where he advises executives and investors on AI strategy, implementation, and responsible AI governance. He is a Global Innovator at the World Economic Forum and former member of the World Economic Forum’s Global AI Council, where he was a key contributor to the development of their AI Boardroom and C-Suite toolkits. He also has over a decade of experience as Chief Digital Officer, leading media transformations for private equity owned firms, and he was the CEO of HomeAdvisor Europe, a leading local services marketplace. He is an advisor to DN Capital and a former AI Expert in Residence (EIR) at Seedcamp. In addition, he serves as Co-Chair of the HBS Alumni Angels of London and is a Fellow of the Royal Geographic Society. He holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and a BA in Computing and Artificial Intelligence from the University of Sussex.

Dr Michael Mortensen Associate Professor (Reader) at WBS

Michael holds an MSc from the University of Warwick and a PhD from Loughborough University, researching university curricula for analytics and data science. His current work focuses on the practical application of analytics and data science in business, as well as the skill requirements in these industries. His current teaching, primarily on the WBS MSc in Business Analytics, covers a wide range of topics such as deep learning, simulation, data visualisation, and combinatorial optimisation. In his previous roles at Warwick, he has designed and led several new modules at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. These have covered a wide range of topics including Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning, Big Data and Data Engineering, Cloud Native Development and Business Analytics and Visualisation. Alongside his academic role at WBS, he has worked on data science and AI projects for clients such as Amazon Web Services, Vodafone and Newcastle Airport.



MBA Alumni and Student Conference

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