MBA Alumni and Student Conference

Academic & industry ‘AI Fireside Chat’  | 4pm – 5pm

Oculus Lecture Room, OC1.05

Rich Carter and Professor Christian Stadler will talk about competing in the world of AI, unintended consequences and future implications.

Moderator: Dr Remi Abere WBS alum and Founder/CEO of RoebiGlobal Remi Abere is the Founder/CEO of RoebiGlobal and completed a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) at WBS. A dynamic executive training consultant, she is revolutionising African tech talent through innovative assessments, online learning, and personalised mentorship, empowering individuals for local and remote employment and digital entrepreneurship. Passionate about shaping the future of education, Remi brings impactful projects to public schools, leveraging funds through sporting charity challenges. With over 30 years’ experience, spanning IT, Finance, Corporate Communications, Business Development, Sustainability, and Marketing, Remi has led strategic and operational projects across Africa, including the development of IBM’s CSR/Sustainability agendas and community investment portfolios. As an AI user and industry insider, she has gained valuable insights into the practical applications of AI and has witnessed first-hand its transformative power. Remi is a Chartered Accountant, embraces adventures and is an avid cyclist. She was the first African woman to conquer Mount Kilimanjaro twice within a span of four months.

Speaker: Professor Christian Stadler Professor of Strategic Management at WBS Christian Stadler is a Professor of Strategic Management. Prior to joining WBS, he was at the University of Bath School of Management, Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, and Innsbruck University. Christian addresses fundamental strategic questions that enable companies to grow, adapt, and consistently beat their competitors. In his book ‘Open Strategy. Mastering Disruption from Outside the C-Suite’, he explains how companies can craft strategy in a new unconventional way which is tailor-made for today’s faster, more volatile business environment. Christian teaches Strategic Advantage on the Executive MBA, Global Online MBA and Global Online MBA (London). His work has been featured in Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, Bloomberg Business Week, Fast Company, Fortune/CNN, and the BBC, and has been translated into 11 languages. In 2021, he was shortlisted for a Thinkers50 Strategy Award. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Product Innovation Management, and Strategic Organization.

Speaker: Richard Carter WBS alum and Co-Founder/CEO of Tulpa Ltd Rich is Co-Founder and CEO of Tulpa Ltd, an AI start-up which is developing a platform to optimise human and machine intelligence. He is also a Senior Research Consultant and Strategic Advisor at The Alan Turing Institute. He completed a Global Online MBA (formerly known as the Distance Learning MBA) at WBS. For most of his 25-year career, Rich has been a computer scientist and leader in the UK’s Defence and Security sector, with stints in the Video Games industry and in academia, where he co- founded the UK’s first national nanotechnology centre at Newcastle University. More recently, he simultaneously led the development of the National Cyber Force’s AI strategy and GCHQ’s AI strategy, and built the teams who are now operationalising those strategies. In 2012, Rich published a book on AI called ‘Cognitive Advantage’. His peer-reviewed work has been published in journals such as the Royal Society journal and his public-facing work has featured in The Guardian, The Times, and New Scientist. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, a Fellow of the British Computer Society, and a Chartered IT Professional.



MBA Alumni and Student Conference

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