MBA Alumni and Student Conference

Facilitated panel discussion 1.30pm – 3pm

AI and wellbeing: mental health, resilience and coping in a connected world Oculus Lecture Room, OC1.05

In this panel discussion, we will be exploring how AI can empower us to optimise our health and wellbeing, including tips to help us build our resilience. This session will be introduced by Dr Sarah Pymm, Director of WBS Global Alumni Engagement.

Chair: Sarah Jackson Careers Manager at WBS

Stuart Firth Current Global Online MBA student at WBS

Dr Fiona Pienaar Senior Clinical Advisor at Mental Health Innovations and Shout Fiona is the Senior Clinical Advisor for Mental Health Innovations, with a focus on ensuring the organisation is keeping abreast of global and national mental health trends, research and developments. In her previous role, Fiona was Director of Clinical Services at Place2Be. She is also a Clinical Lead for the New Zealand Telehealth Service, Whakarongorau Aotearoa. Fiona has more than 30 years’ experience, including teaching at both school and tertiary level, the development of digital clinical services, mental health research, and resource development across South Africa, New Zealand and the UK. She has taught on the postgraduate counselling programmes at the University of Auckland and the University of Cambridge, as well as on the CONTED programme at the University of Oxford. Her research has focused primarily on children and young people’s experiences of stress and coping. She has a PhD in Behavioural Science from the University of Auckland, a MEd in Counselling, and a Professional Certificate in Executive Coaching.

Stuart is a seasoned cyber security and threat intelligence professional with over 20 years of experience across the British military and private sector. He has demonstrated empathetic leadership at organisations such as HSBC, Standard Chartered Bank, Dyson, and Centrica Plc, where he led and advised on various cybersecurity initiatives. Medically discharged in 2016 for mental health, he has sought a balance between work and wellbeing and promoted acceptance and understanding of men’s mental health. More recently, Stuart has been investigating how AI can be used to mitigate ‘alert fatigue’ experienced by many less mature defensive cybersecurity teams.

Sarah is the Careers Manager for MBAs at WBS, where she coordinates and delivers a range of careers management and skills workshops for students and alumni. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers and has a BEng degree in Mechanical Engineering from Sheffield University, as well as a Diploma in Coaching and a Master’s degree in Career Development and Coaching Studies from the University of Warwick. She is a fully licensed psychometric tester, fully accredited in Spotlight, Insights, MBTI (step I &II), FIRO-B, Belbin and SHL level A and level B. Prior to joining WBS, Sarah managed the Global Graduate Programme for IMI Plc with responsibility for recruitment through to managing and developing their engineering and commercial graduates.



MBA Alumni and Student Conference

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