MBA Alumni and Student Conference


Welcome to Warwick Business School’s inaugural MBA Alumni and Student Conference on the theme ‘Disruptive AI: how can organisations keep up with the rapidly changing technology landscape?’ We’ve organised an outstanding programme of inputs and conversations around the emerging artificial intelligence technologies, and their potential positive impact and challenge to our current business and social models. The conference contributors are a mixture of MBA alumni and School associates, and their inputs will provide the springboard into in-depth reflection on our potential responses and strategies to harness the benefits and mitigate the risks of AI. It’s fantastic to be able to welcome you back to our Warwick campus to explore this very important topic and the team at WBS is very much looking forward to reconnecting with you. I hope you have an enjoyable time at the conference, meeting your fellow attendees and taking part in the wide range of discussions and events.

We’re thrilled to welcome you to our inaugural MBA Alumni and Student Conference, as the Academic Leads. Thanks to the input of many of you, the theme we have selected for this year is Disruptive AI. We believe that the programme reflects the hard work that has gone into creating something special for all of you, with a balance of content on AI opportunities, as well as the challenges for business and organisations. We hope that the knowledge, ideas, and professional connections you gain at the conference will be valuable for you individually and at work. Our vision is to run this conference annually. If you enjoy this year’s sessions, why not give us your thoughts for next year’s theme, or consider giving a talk or facilitating a workshop? Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you’re interested in taking part. We look forward to meeting you and here’s to a lively weekend of discussion and debate!

Professor Andy Lockett Dean, Warwick Business School

Dr Harveen Chugh Associate Professor Course Director (Global Online MBA - London)

Dr Mo Moeini Associate Professor Course Director (Global Online MBA - Warwick)



MBA Alumni and Student Conference

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