IE Senior Games Application 2024

2024 Inland Empire Senior Games Registration Form

Online Registration: (Activenet) or mail completed form with payment to Attn: Inland Empire Senior Games 600 West 5th Street, San Bernardino, CA 92410 Questions: Contact or call (909) 384 - 5430

Last Name__________________________ First Name____________________________

Address __________________________________________________________________

City, State, Zip _________________________Telephone (

) _____________________

E - mail __________________________________________ Gender(M/F)_____________

D.O.B (mm/dd/yyyy) _____________________ (Must be at least 50 years of age by Dec. 31, 2024)

Circle T - Shirt Size: Small



X - Large

2X - Large

3X - Large

Emergency Contact Information

Print Name ____________________________________________________________

Relationship ___________________________________________________________

Telephone ( ) _________________________________________________________

WAIVER must be signed and mailed with registration.

PHOTO AND FILM WAIVER: I hereby grant full permission to the organization, their agents, employees and representatives to use my name, voice, and/or picture or film in any broadcast, telecast, advertising, promotion or other use in relation to the City of San Bernardino Inland Empire Senior Games . LIABILITY WAIVER: I, the undersigned participant, hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City of San Bernardino, Inland Empire Senior Games and the organizers of the City of San Bernardino Inland Empire Senior Games , hereinafter sometimes referred to as sponsors, their agents, employees, and representatives and assigns, from any and all actions or claims of whatsoever kind of nature which I or my representatives or assigns may have or at any time in the future have due to any injury or property damage arising out of my participation in the City of San Bernardino Inland Empire Senior Games . I understand and agree that any dispute over injury or property damage caused by myself or another participant must be settled between the individuals. I warrant and represent to the organizers that I have prepared myself for the event(s) which I have entered by practicing the same prior to my participation. I warrant and represent that I am in good physical health and condition, am physically able to compete in the event(s), and know of no physical restriction whatsoever which would prohibit my participation in the City of San Bernardino Inland Empire Senior Games . I have been advised by the organizers that it would be in my best interest to consult a physician prior to my preparation for and participation in this event. I recognize and understand that the preparation and competition may necessitate strenuous physical activity and could possibly activate an unrecognized pre - existing condition which I may have, thereby resulting in serious or life - threatening physical harm to me. The organizers have my permission to have a physician treat me during my participation in the City of San Bernardino Inland Empire Senior Games .

Signature ______________________________________________________ Date ____________________

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