Board Converting News, July 1, 2024

EnCore Modules:

NAM: The Opportunity And Challenge Of Manufacturing Data To Transform Business As manufacturers move toward building smarter factories with connected machines, the data those systems produce can offer a host of benefits: improved efficiency, better productivity, informed decision-making, val- ue creation and, ultimately, competitiveness. Yet becoming a data-driven business comes with its share of challenges. In this year’s Manufacturing in 2030 Survey, Data Mastery: A Key to Industrial Competitiveness, the National Association of Manufacturer’s Manufacturing Leadership Coun- cil sheds light on the successes and opportunities for how manufacturers are transforming their operations with data. Security and privacy concerns: As factories become more connect- ed, cybersecurity becomes a greater imperative. For this reason, survey respondents validated that both data security and data privacy are es- sential: • More than 90 percent of respondents have a formal or partial policy on data security and data privacy. • About two-thirds of manufacturers have a formal or partial policy on data quality. • More than 60 percent have a corporate-wide plan, strategy or guide- lines for data management, but only 15 percent follow the plan in its entirety.

Customer Care Portal

Quality Management



Sign & Drive Visual Analytics

Advanced Planning Board


Corrugator Scheduling

Automated Performance Costing

Partner Integrations:

How data is used: As manufacturers advance along their M4.0 jour- ney, data is becoming their lifeblood, driving insights and decision-mak- ing. Yet the survey revealed a gap between available data sources and their utilization, a notable area for improvement as the industry looks toward the future. • Spreadsheets are still king: 70 percent of manufacturers enter data to them manually, and 68 percent still use them to analyze data. • 44 percent of manufacturing leaders say the amount of data they col- lect is double what it was two years ago, and they anticipate it will triple by 2030. • While nearly 60 percent of manufacturers use data to understand and optimize projects, there is a shift toward using data to make pre- dictions about operational performance, including machine perfor- mance, in the next decade. CONTINUED ON PAGE 14


July 1, 2024

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