Board Converting News, July 1, 2024


The Perfect Combo Get Peak Performance From Your Equipment with Matched Component Sets

Business impact: Most manufacturers leverage data to find ways to save money or promote business growth. However, less than half have a good understanding of the dollar value of their data. • Only about 25 percent of manufacturers have high confidence that the right data is being collected. • Most manufactures have only moderate confidence in their analytic capabilities. • Top challenges include data that comes from different systems or in different formats (53 percent), data that is not easy to access (28 percent) and lack of skills to analyze data effectively (28 percent). • However, despite those challenges, 95 percent of manufacturers say data makes for faster and/or high- er-quality decision-making. The bottom line: An overwhelming majority of manufac- turers (86 percent) believe that the effective use of manu- facturing data will be “essential” to their competitiveness. But to realize data’s potential, manufacturers must fig- ure out how to organize and analyze their data effectively, ensure that their data is trustworthy and align their busi- ness strategy closely with their data strategy. Explore the survey: Get a deeper look at the current state of data mastery in manufacturing. Visit https://shor-

Nothing’s more rewarding than a couple made for each other. to download your copy. For more information, visit .

That’s why the engineers at ARC International have focused their skills and talents on crafting perfect matches between the components that must work in tandem on your flexo folder gluers and die-cutters: • Anilox Rollers and Ink Chambers • Anilox and Wiper Rollers • Feed and Pull Rollers • Glue and Meter Rollers You can achieve the press speeds and print quality you need to fill your most demanding orders by pairing your team with The ARChitects of Flexo . Contact ARC today to learn how these engineered matches of flexo folder gluer and die-cutter components (new or reconditioned) can help you achieve a more perfect union of production and profits.

Read the articles in Board Converting News every week to learn about the people, places and machinery that will open the doors to new or repeat business. Quality Leads = New Customers

The ARChitects of Flexo

SINCE 1984

Len Prazych at 518-366-9017 800-526-4569


July 1, 2024

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