Board Converting News, July 1, 2024

XSYS Appoints Arben Graphic Systems As Distributor

Eco-Conscious Economy (CONT’D FROM PAGE 37)

ty-minded than they were just one year ago. The overall score dropped from 51 on the index to 49, lagging behind the global mean of 55. However, U.S. Millennials and Gen Z scored above the global mean, whereas Gen X and Boomers scored lower. Globally, consumer trust in sustainability claims is low. According to The Blue Yonder survey, 70 percent report- ed shopping sustainably in the last year, vs. 74 percent in 2023. The ESW numbers reveal that, globally, more than half of the consumers surveyed (55 percent) said they are more aware of greenwashing than they were a year ago, and 27 percent said they considered a brand’s environ- mental transparency record when making a purchase. Consumer trust and truth in advertising are key to a healthy economy, which is why greenwashing is so harm- ful. If consumers can’t discern which companies are truly engaged in ethical environmentally-friendly commerce, they won’t support the industries making the most positive impact. According to the Blue Yonder survey, 47 percent of consumers said they would be likely or very likely to pay more for greener shipping options such as lower carbon footprint delivery and sustainable packaging. Just more than 60 percent of consumers said using recycled content or recycled packaging was the most important environ- mental practice a retailer or brand should adopt.

XSYS, a provider of prepress solutions for the flexographic and letterpress sectors, has appointed Arben Graphic Sys- tems as its new distribution partner in the West Balkans, covering Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ser- bia, North Macedonia, and Montenegro. With this agreement, Arben Graphic Systems is taking on the full breadth of XSYS’ solutions portfolio for the ben- efit of new and existing customers in the region. Founded in 2000, Arben Graphic Systems is a Ljublja- na, Slovenia-based company that provides a wide range of products to customers in the printing and packaging indus- try, including workflow and color management software, plates, inks, prepress and printing equipment, and other consumables. The new agreement with XSYS includes the nyloflex and nyloprint flexographic and letterpress plate portfolios, and ThermoFlexX, Catena, and nyloflex Xpress platemaking equipment, as well as Woodpecker surface screening software. Arben Graphic Systems is in the process of expanding its facility with a new purpose-built logistics building, ware- housing and offices. BW Packaging Pledges 25 Percent Emissions Cut By 2030 BW Packaging, Romeoville, Illinois, a global supplier of packaging machinery, has announced new climate tar- gets. Among these goals is a commitment to reduce its scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 25 percent by 2030, using 2021 as its baseline year. These targets represent a major milestone in BW Pack- aging’s sustainability journey, guided by its vision of “Peo- ple Who Care. Solutions That Perform.” To achieve its emissions reduction target for 2030 and future goals, BW Packaging will explore various opportuni- ties to improve its manufacturing footprint. These initiatives include renewable power procure- ment, LED lighting retrofits, optimized HVAC controls, op- erations settings management, destratification fan installa- tion and more. Since identifying sustainability as a strategic priority in 2021, BW Packaging has made strides in several areas, in- cluding conducting extensive research, developing train- ing programs, reporting progress through CDP and Eco- Vadis frameworks, and pursuing profitable business wins through sustainability-focused innovation. In total, BW Packaging’s sustainability strategy en- compasses four focus areas, which are key in advancing sustainability in the packaging industry: energy-efficient equipment, responsible materials enablement, a sustain- able manufacturing footprint and cultivating a culture of sustainability.

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July 1, 2024

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