Board Converting News, July 1, 2024

Isowa America Announces Gempp As Sales Engineer

Core Competency

Phoenix, Arizona based Isowa America announced that they have just grown their Capital Solutions Team with the addition of Bill Gempp as Sales Engineer. Gempp brings over 20 years of sales and manage-

ment experience to the Isowa team and decades of experience in finishing machinery and plant operations equip- ment solutions. His background in strategic plan- ning and a hands-on approach to cus- tomer service are certain to mesh well with a team that prioritizes long-term

BloApCo Floor Shredders easily handle Cores and Sheet Waste

Bill Gempp

customer relationships. The Maryland-based salesman will focus his activities on business development with critical partners and new opportunities. Isowa is a private company with over 100 years of op- eration. They offer a wide range of products from control equipment to all corrugator components including corru- gating rolls, single facers, slitter scorers, mill roll stands, hyper trim shears, splicers, stackers, helical cut offs, cor- rugator constant tension infeeds, glue machines, double facers and more. For more information, visit .

▲ All converting scrap handled by one BloApCo Shredder. ▲ Energy efficient. Low HP. Low RPM. Low noise. ▲ Industry leading 3-year warranty.

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July 1, 2024

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