HandsOn: Effective Hip & Knee Artrhitis Pain


Are you moving like you should be? Your hips and knees are essential to everyday movement; whether you are sitting, standing, walking or running, you need your hips and knees in great shape. Sometimes, when your hips and knees are in pain, it can cause you to change the way that you are moving, causing you to change the flow and pace of your gait, which is the way thatyouwalk.Other times,prolongedpaincancauseyou tostopdoing movements that are indicative of healthy joints. If you’ve experienced any hip or knee pain and are considering whether physical therapy is a good choice for your health needs, consider the following: • From a standing position, are you able to lean over and touch your toes? If so, then this indicates that you have proper hip and low back flexibility. If not, then you may need to improve your flexibility and joint range of motion, and physical therapy could be helpful. • In a sitting position, can you comfortably cross your legs, leaving your ankle to rest comfortably on the opposite knee? If this is painful, or one knee constantly must be lower than the other, then this may be indicative of knee concerns that could be addressed with physical therapy. • From a standing position, with your feet planted flat on the floor, can you push your body into a squatting position? You should be able to squat all thewaydownso thatyourbuttocksarealmost touchingyourheels. Ifyou aren’t able to do this, then physical therapy may be helpful in improving your range of motion. • Standing near a wall or countertop, arrange your feet so that you are standing with the heel of one foot touching the toes of the other, as if on a balance beam, and see how long you can stand still. Can you balance for 10 seconds? If not, then physical therapy may be able to improve balance and coordination. The goal of any physical therapy program is to restore range of motion and improveflexibilityandstrengthwhilereducing thegeneralexperienceofpain. Unfortunately, hip and knee injuries often tend to linger. Every movement reliessoheavilyon thehipsandknees that itmakes itdifficult toallow these joints toactually rest followingan injury.Physical therapyprovides targeted exercises thatsupport the jointswithprecisemovements thathelpreinforce strength and range of motion. For more information, contact your physical therapist to learn more about options that will suit your health needs. For more information about overcoming arthritis pain, contact us. WHO NEEDS PHYSICAL THERAPY?

Deep Tissue Laser Physical Therapy accelerates your body’s own natural healing process through photo-bio-stimulation. Laser physical therapy provides concrete benefits to our patients and is effective in treating chronic conditions, acute conditions and post-surgical pain.

Clinical Benefits: • Effective for difficult conditions

• Alternative to surgery • Fast treatment times

• Easy non-invasive treatment • Scientifically proven treatment

LaserPhysicalTherapy isverybeneficial intreatingvariousmusculoskeletal conditions.Ourphysical therapyspecialistsatHands-OnPhysicalTherapy have found laser therapy to be a great tool in the care of its physical and occupational therapypatientswhencombinedwith traditional therapiesof exercise,patienteducation,andHands-Onsoft tissueand jointmobilization techniques. Ifyouora lovedone isexperiencingpain,contactouroffices today to learn more about the benefits of laser therapy. Relieve Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing hip pain. PRONE HIP EXTENSION While lying face down with your knee straight, slowly raise up leg off the ground. Strengthens Hips

Exercisescopyrightof Always consultyourphysical therapistorphysicianbefore startingexercisesyouareunsureofdoing.


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