You’re probably being charged full price.
We don’t have a contracted relationship with out -of- network doctors and facilities. So, we can’t control what they charge for their services. And their rates may be higher than the discounted “in - network” rate.
You may be billed for the difference between the doctor’s bill and what your plan will pay.
Many health plans list an amount that is the most they’ll pay for a certain service received out -of-network. If the doctor or facility charges more than your plan is willing to pay, you pay the difference. In-network doctors and facilities have agreed not to do that.
Your share of costs is different – and usually higher:
When you use a doctor or facility that is out-of-network, your deductible and other out-of-pocket costs may be much higher than the in-network cost. Review your plan materials for details on your specific medical plan.
Questions? Call the toll-free number on the back of your ID card.
2022 Benefits Guide
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