2024 GRS Product Catalog


Products to help your work leave a lasting impression

BPE CERAMIC TIP POLISHING TOOL Refine relief engraving with these Ceramic Polishing Tools Clean corners, hone edges, and smooth shapes Available in three grits: 180, 600, and 1000 $54.50 each YELLOW, 180 GRIT 011-473 BLACK, 600 GRIT 011-474 WHITE, 1000 GRIT 011-475

RENAISSANCE WAX POLISH Contains refined waxes blended to a formula used by museum and restoration specialists Revives and protects leather,

metals, marble, ivory and many other surfaces

024-001 $29.40


POLISHING PAPER Super-fine polishing paper leaves a bright, smooth surface finish 30 micron 8.5” x 11” sheet

220 GRIT 022-289 320 GRIT 022-147 400 GRIT 022-146

Made for deburring and finishing your engraved pieces 8.5” x 11” sheet

$2.63 each

022-337 $5.78

+ add on items GRS® APRON Adjustable neck strap, three large front pockets, ties at waist Machine washable 65% polyester, 35% cotton Available in black

TAP MAGIC GRAVER LUBE KIT Extends graver life and brightens cuts Sharpen gravers less often and work will look better Contains 4 fluid ounces of lubricant

004-638 $16.75

022-516 $39.11


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