T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
July, 1933
tells us, and we are to be subject to civil authorities. But should the commands o f men run counter to the com mands of the Most High, then we have no choice but to obey God rather than men, following the example o f Peter and John (Acts 4:18-20, 29). Always God is active in the administration o f the affairs o f His kingdom, either personally or representatively. But because o f His longsuffering, not willing that any should perish, evildoers sometimes become bold and defiant. A l though the judgments o f God may tarry, they are certain to come, and often with a suddenness that is overwhelming. Such was the judgment o f the flood, and such will be the final judgments that end the present age (Matt. 2 4 :37-39). The increase o f lawlessness and crime will come to an end., The King Himself will come and do it. Always the superkingdom is absolute, and the hearts of God’s people need not fear as we behold the shadows of approaching judgment deepen before us. They will not harm us. U niversality World kingdoms have existed in the past. Nebuchad nezzar was a “ king of kings” unto whom the God o f heaven gave “ the kingdom.” He was entrusted with rulership over all the children o f men (Dan. 2:37, 38). Three other world kingdoms Succeeded that kingdom. The last was the Roman, which was dominant in the days o f Christ. Like the Babylonian kingdom, it, too, destroyed the city and the temple o f God’s people. The world kingdoms are prophesied for the future. The first will include the revived Roman empire. Under its final ruler, its religious, political, and economic authority will be supreme (Rev. 13:4, 7, 17). The whole earth will be included within its sway. But although that kingdom will possess the stealth and swiftness of the leopard, the strength o f the bear, and the kingship o f the lion (Rev. 13:2), it will suddenly come to nought, for that fourth world kingdom will be superceded by the kingdom o f the God o f heaven. To the Son o f man will be given “ domin ion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages, should serve him : his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed” (Dan. 7:13, 14). He shall have dominion from sea to sea, and from the river, to the ends o f the earth. All kings shall fall down before Him, and all nations shall serve Him (Psa. 72 :8 ,11 ). Ended then forever will be national jealousies, boun dary disputes, trade rivalries, and greed for more terri tory— ended forever burdensome armies and navies, de structive wars, pensions for maimed veterans, and ruinous taxation. In their place will be constructive industries, peaceable and wholesome occupations; social, cultural, and religious improvement; elimination o f government by self- seeking politicians and inefficient rulers— trust instead of distrust, peace and prosperity instead o f boycotts, strikes, class and racial hatreds. “ Thy kingdom come.” P ermanency Already the permanency o f the superkingdom has been hinted. Few o f the kingdoms o f men have endured for many centuries, and the very succession of these mighty empires is an impressive testimony to their weakness and unenduring character. Since no kingdom can be stronger than the moral qualifies of its rulers and its people, each of the world kingdoms o f the past contained sufficient deadly germs and high explosives to wreck it. Earthly empires have perished, not because o f superior foes from without, but because o f disintegrating forces from within. For this reason, we who are alive at the present time are actually beholding the collapse o f great civilizations. Rotten at the core, their decay is now apparent. Fear and confusion pre
vail. Because of national distresses and international com plications, our rulers, statesmen, economists, and leaders of thought and industry are at a loss to know what to do. New and untried experiments are their only recourse. Such times breed discontent, revolutions, and dictatorships. When morals deteriorate and hearts rebel against God, the kingdoms o f men are doomed. In contrast with the unenduring character of all human kingdoms, the superkingdom will endure forever. This would be true even apart from the power and resources of the kingdom. First o f all, it is built upon abiding principles. These are the foundation stones. In the second place, not only is the King Himself eternal, but His laws are perfect, all-comprehensive, and will b e , efficiently administered. Guided and controlled by divine wisdom, perfect love, and absolute justice, this kingdom is certain to abide. The more sure word o f prophecy throws a flood of light upon the abiding character o f the kingdom that is to super cede all the beast kingdoms, which are to perish. A t the end o f the present age, their dominion will be taken away. Although the saints o f the Most High who are then upon the earth will suffer temporary defeat by the fierce king of the fourth, or iron, kingdom, the Ancient of Days will come, judgment will be given to the saints o f the Most High, and they shall possess the kingdom (Dan. 7:17-22). The psalmist was right: “ Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever.” The nations may rage, kings may combine, and rulers take counsel against Jehovah, but He will laugh and have them in derision. He also will speak to them in wrath, and will set His King upon Zion, His holy hill. Then will the Son inherit the kingdom, have the uttermost parts of the earth for His possession, and rule with the rod of iron (Psa. 2 ; Rev. 19:11-21). U ltimate G oal The goal o f the superkingdom in its relation to this earth is not its supremacy, nor its universality, nor its permanency, but its perfection. The history o f mankind is a record o f continuous rebel lions against God. Never was this more pronounced than today. Sometimes this rebellion is confined to the heart, as in the choosing o f one’s own way, but leading to no open break with the King. Again, as in Russia today, the revolt may be open and published abroad as a “ war against God;” Careful students o f the times acknowledge a surprising increase in crime and the rapid spread o f lawlessness. The breakdown o f the moral restraints o f society is appalling. W e see it not only among those in the lower strata of life, but also in high places. Those uplifting forces supposed to r,eside in evolution do not appear to be working. Col lapse o f civilization, rather than its progress, is far more likely. At the present time, two somewhat similar political systems are aspiring to world rulership, one located in eastern Europe and the other in western. Both Bolshevism and Fascism are contending for the mastery, arid both are godless. Also both are active propagandists, aiming at peaceable social, industrial, and political revolution where possible, but advocating and using violent revolutions when ever they are deemed necessary. In view o f existing conditions, are we not warranted in concluding that no form of human government offers us a sure and permanent solution for the complex and confused problems of today ? What hope have we but in the interven tion and control of the superkingdom ? They who are fami liar with history and who believe in prophecy can come to no other conclusion. Not only do the times demand the intervention o f the King Invisible, as at other crisis periods in the world’s history, but we have the right to confidently expect such intervention. [Continued on page 228]
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