July, 1933
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
it all comes the calm o f an infinite God. If it were possible to have the ears o f all the young people o f the land, it would be good to say to them, “ Wait—God does not change. He is ever the same. Tie your life up to Him. There is the place o f eternal security and calm.” Again, God’s truth does not change. Indeed, truth never changes. Wherever it is, it is truth. No matter who speaks it, it is still truth. Truth is always truth. But we speak o f God’s truth here. “ For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven.” That is the great unchanging thing that belongs to the believer. Attacks on the Word are not new. Neither is the experience of defeat for its enemy new. Through every generation, men have brought their unbelief bitterly against it. In every succeeding generation, it has increased its strength and its blessings to men. Most of its attackers in the days past are forgotten men. Its blessings are ever fresh. Quickly forgotten will its present attack ers be, while thousands upon thousands o f lives give evi dence o f its living power. God’s proposition to the individual does not change. The statement o f it may vary. Circumstances will make the setting change, but His challenge is always the same. It is the faith of man in what He, God, declares. In this day of ours, it is the call to receive Christ as Saviour. It is the declaration of the need o f atonement, and the provision o f atonement and the availability o f atonement. “ He that believeth on me,” is the basis o f His proposition. Let it be preached to every heart and believed by every spirit. Here is the place of calm in the storm o f life. Here is the place o f peace in the confused and distressed world. Here, in the midst of universal change and uncertainty, are the things that never change. Anchor, anchor and ride at ease, every troubled sou l! ing. Yes, He can find you in your small town or wherever you are. You are not hidden from Him, but His plan will not be carried out in your life if you do not follow it— He leaves the choice with you. “ Thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left” (Isa. 30:21). Does this not imply that we are led as we act? l i you are living close to Him and are completely surrendered to His will, you may be sure that He will open or close doors before you, or in some other way make His will definitely known to you as you are turning to the right hand or to the left. That activity may be finding some definite work to do for Him in your own church, in entering a Bible Institute for training so that you may be prepared (God chooses a prepared life when He has a task to be done), or in sending your applica tion to a missionary board if you are called to missionary work. In other words, a definite, prayerful, and active en deavor to discover God’s will for your life will make it pos sible for Him to reveal it to you. Be sure, too, that you are ready to “ wait on the Lord.” He will probably reveal His will only a step at a time. I am glad you show the desire to know His will for your life and are not like those who drift on in whatever place they happen to have gotten into, living in God’s permissive will, without realizing until too late that they have missed God’s directive will for them.
Russia has swung from her absolute monarchy to the ex tremist experiment o f democracy, with what results no man seems to know. New states live along the Adriatic. A new Turkey faces a new and perhaps strange destiny. China, in the far east, rouses herself to revolutions, per haps training for an enforced defense of her rights among the nations. What constant and vast changes! Socially, educationally, religiously, changes are every where. It is not possible to enumerate them. They can be barely suggested in the limits o f these words. T hings that Do N ot C hange But there are some things that do not change. That is the word to be sounded out to all who will hear. There are unchanging things. It may be that this is one o f the most important things for us to be saying to the young people o f our day. Their minds are filled with the uncertainty and the questioning attitude of most o f the world. They are filled with wondering whether there are any stable things. “ All things are giving way,” they are told. “ Whatever has been must be changed” seems to be a sort o f catchword for the age. It is not true. Let us make a suggestion of the things that are not included in the flux o f the world. God does not change. This is forever true. “ From everlasting to everlasting, thou art God.” How great a text! It will become clearer as we meditate on it. Life rushes. Not so God— the steadying calm of eternity is in Him. Generations come and go. Born— living— dead— a bit o f the brightness, a portion of the gloom— life passes quickly. A hundred generations altogether do not take much space in time. If God be left out, all is empty indeed. Rush, haste, greed, hurry, grasping, sinning, suffering— what a madhouse life is, considered in itself alone. But into Dear Miss S co tt: I enjoy reading the problems other girls bring to you in the “ Query Corner” and get much help from your answers. I am a Christian and have given myself to God for full time service, but the years are going by and I do not seem to be getting into any definite work. If it is His will that I should, will He bring it about without my doing anything about it? If I were at the Institute or in a large city, .1 might get in touch with opportunities, but I live in a small town and sometimes wonder if the Lord would ever find me here. I seem to have grown dissatisfied, irritable, and critical lately. It may be due to physical reasons, but I have wondered if it were not because I am out of the Lord’s will. — M. My D ear: May we refer to the last of your letter first ? This irri table, critical condition may come from various causes, but the real source o f it is Satan. He desires to make you un happy, and when you find these characteristics manifest in your life, you need to examine your own heart. They are usually a symptom o f growing coldness or o f broken com munion with God. Even though there is a real physical cause, the Lord can give you victory over it. Whether or not you are in the place o f God’s will, only He can tell you. You need to be living very close to Him to know His lead
Q ir ls QUERY CORNER Conducted by M yrtle E. S cott Questions for answer in this corner should be sent to Miss Scott, 8961 Dicks Street, West Hollywood, California. No name will be published.
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