July, 1933
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
11:36, 37; 12:1 ; Revelation 13:1-7, 15. Note how these passages describe an hour of awful agony that shall break in upon the heads o f the sons of Jacob, but it will be the last. The absolute and oft-repeated promise is : "H e shall be saved out o f it” ! “ Don’t you worry about the Jews! They will come out all right!” The ancient weepers by all the rivers o f Babylon will take their harps from off the willows forevermore! “ But the poor Germans!” "P oor” ? Why so? Shall not they, in Israel’s deliverance, together with all the peoples o f the earth, be blessed ? Verily, they shall (Gen. 12:3 ). Is this Hitlerian hate the final presage to the hour o f “ Jacob’s trouble” ? So it would seem. But if so, it also is a harbinger o f the glory that shall follow. Truly, we may rejoice in the falling shadows, dark as they are! If we must have the night before the sunrise, then let the shadows fall! AROUND THE KING’S TABLE [Continued, from page 210] peculiarities o f the Christian faith.” It endorses a parlia ment of religions with Christianity as one among many. This is deplorable, because it degrades the Lord Jesus Christ from His place as the world’s Redeemer to that o f a religious teacher and leader, “ the highest expression of the religious life.” Several years ago, in a commencement address at Princeton Theological Seminary, Dr. Macartney, speaking on the issues before the ministry, said : It is not the peril o f the world’s hate and persecu tion. It is not the peril even of corrupt and immoral living, eating as doth a canker within the breast o f the church. It is not the peril of furious bigotry and the rage of the ologians. It is the peril o f abandoning Jesus Christ as the Redeemer from sin. This is the issue now between fundamentalism and mod ernism. Christian men and women who know Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour and who have the courage o f their convictions may soon find themselves compelled to align themselves with the great host o f Christian believers who would choose death rather than surrender the glorious truth o f a personal Redeemer in the Lord Jesus Christ. They know that there is “ none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.” The time has come to emphasize the radical distinction between a vague religiousness and a vital Christian experience. “ Take Heed . . . Watch” T he attention o f Christian people has been directed of late to the words at the head of this paragraph and to statements o f a similar nature. The conviction grows that we are getting near to the end time, or “ the time of the end.” This does not mean the end o f the world, but the end o f the present age, which will be followed by the kingdom age after a series o f judgments on the earth. At such a time, we commend the reading o f and the meditation upon such scriptures as Luke 2 1 :34 to 36, John 14:1 to 3, Philippians 3 :20 and 21, and 1 John 2 :28. Scriptures like these hold us steady and true through such times as we are passing— days to watch and work and wait. Dr. Page’s Resignation r . J ohn C. P age , who has served with the Bible In stitute o f Los Angeles for the past four years, has re signed his position as instructor in Bible Doctrine and Bible Synthesis. He will retain the editorial work o f T he K ing ’ s B usiness until his successor is appointed. Dr. Page ex pects to take up Bible evangelism and Bible teaching among the churches o f the Pacific Coast. His permanent address is 326 East Randolph St., Glendale, Calif.
The Spirit of “ The Beast” Enthroned in Germany Again, Hitler and his “ Brown Shirts” have proven that the Antichrist, at whose coming our high-stepping age has been inclined to scoff, is not only a possibility but a proba bility, and that he will be heartily welcomed and highly acclaimed by our bombastic civilization; for while Hitler is not the Antichrist, yet he possesses the spirit o f the Anti christ, and is popularly acclaimed in his “ cultured” nation. Hitler assumes dictatorship over the spiritual forces of Germany, and has placed the entire propaganda apparatus o f the Nazi party at the disposal o f the “ German Chris tians” (Nazis) to fight the appointment o f a Bishop by the German Protestants. Antichrist will allow no man to buy or sell without his mark (Rev. 13 :16, 17). Hitler has his mark, the swastika, and while as yet he may not have branded it on any one’s hand or forehead, yet 650,000 Ger man Jews can testify that no one in Germany can buy or sell without his permission! Antichrist will commit the blas phemy o f exalting himself above all that is called God (Dan. 11:36; 2 Thess. 2 :3 ,4 ). Hitler W ill Pass As for this man, he seems not to have learned from the pages o f history that the God of Israel was absolutely right when He said o f His earthly people: “ No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment shalt thou condemn. This is the heritage o f the Lord” (Isa. 54:17). I f he would verify that prophecy, he might call up the shades o f one spirit named Haman and consult with him. Doubtless, he would get some profitable advice. And he might call up for further information Pharaoh, or Nebuch adnezzar, or “ the presidents and princes” (Dan. 6 :4 ) of Darius, or any other princes who dared touch the apple of God’s eye (Zech. 2 :8). W e believe that the hour o f power for Hitler will prove to be exceedingly brief. The shadows are already creeping upon the walls o f his chamber. The German communist party is, for him, more than a troubled dream. The frowns o f the masters o f finance in New York and London are foreboding; and even as we write, the press informs us that Germany must declare an immediate moratorium inas much as she cannot even pay the interest on her loans, much less the sums due because o f amortization. Hitler knows that twenty-nine landeskirchen (Protestant church groups) within the Fatherland are not praying for his prosperity! He must realize that as he plots the destruction o f the 650,000 pure-blooded Jews o f Germany, there are 2,500,000 more human beings within his domain guilty of the “ crime” o f having some Jewish blood in their veins, whose leashes may snap at any moment. He is conscious that no powers o f earth, not even in Fascist Rome, are infatuated with him personally. Hitler will pass —and we dare predict that Germany, if not from choice then from necessity, will take her place in the great Russo-Teutonic-Mongolian alliance where prophetically she belongs, and in this role will start with the nations on their final march to the Gentile sunset. Germany (Gomer) will march with Gog to the bonepile in Palestine! (Ezek. 38 and 39). A young man, a member o f the writer’s church, now in a medical school in Paris, in a letter just received, wrote: A Jewish medical student said to me the other day: “ The poor, poor Germans 1 Don’t you worry about the Jews I They will come out all right! Anyway, they are used to suffering. But the poor Germans!” Israel’s Nightfall? Then also Israel’s Sunrise! Every student o f the Bible knows that the sun o f this present age is to set in a sea o f Jewish blood— “ the time o f Jacob’s trouble” ( Jer. 3 0 :7 ). Read Daniel 9 :26,27 with Matthew24:3-26; Revelation 12 :l-6 ,13-17 ¡Daniel 7 :24-28;
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