King's Business - 1933-06


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

July, 1933

Know Your Bible Club The following have completed the read­ ing o f the Gospel o f John and have received their K. Y. B. C. pins: Battleford, Sask., Can.: May Kirby. Blackwell, Okla .: Robert Barnholdt; Maxine Dawe; Helen Gunckel; Ethridge, Gordon, and Mrs. M. F. Koelling; Geraldine Mize; Gertrude Rob­ erts; Billy Underwood; and Doris Young. Golconda, III.: Jessie Lee Bear; Dorothy Mas­ ters; Junior Platt; Anna Bess Rottmann; and Betty Wallace. Kansas City, Kan.: Ruth Potter. - Kansas City, Mo.: Mildred Allen; Virginia Burt; Violet Foster; Nehoma Green; Mary Mar­ garet Henderson; Edna Hill; Ruth Houser; Ruth Jackson; Helene Juniper; Mamie Lindsay; Viola Miller; Fern Nelson; Christine Palmesano; Dor­ othy Patton; Violet Roberts; Evelyn Rucker; June Seego; Eva Templer; and Mary Lou Wooddell. Livingston Manor, N. Y . : Kila and Ruth Fox; and Laura May Stickle. Maddock, No. Dak.: Charles Blackstone. Midland City, Ala.: Jack and Sarah Nell Bass; Thelma Benton; Francis and Vivian Bruce; Woco Cook; Mrs. Pearle Godwin; Dessie Belle Metcalf; and Elsie and Lucile Stinson. Olympia, Wash.: Jack Beigh; and Jack Spillman. Pomona, Calif.: Betty Steele. Russell, Minn.: Esther and Darlene Polesky; and Florence and Margie Scott. Salem, Ore.: Evelyn Jean Dierks. Santa Ana, Calif.: Leonard Appleberry; Joyce Moulton; and Bruce Tanner. Spring City, Pa.: Rachael Hewitt. Tacoma,' Wash.: Roy Ballard; Robert Crow- thers; Addison Hall; Harold Schumock. Tioga, No. Dak.: Fred H. and Ruth Margaret Plotner. Vancouver, Wash.: Richard Watson. Wapato, Wash.: Evelyn and Jesse Gregg. Notice Those desiring questions and suggestions in the teaching of the Gospel o f John send a stamped, self-addressed envelope and the same will be sent. Letters that Cheer Many good letters are received each month from the Junior King’s Business readers, but this one made us especially happy: Dear Junior Department: I am glad to have been reading of the Know Your Bible Club, for I want to be­ come more like Jesus. To become a member o f this wonderful Club, I understand one should read the Gospel of John, and I am therefore writ­ ing for a copy. So far I have only read about six or seven of the Junior pages, and they have helped me so much to know Jesus as my personal Saviour. Sincerely, A bbie A nn C laassen . May the Lord bless Abbie Ann and cause her to grow in the knowledge of Himself.

How to Join the K .Y .B . Club T O become a member of the Know Your Bible Club, read through the Gospel according to John. You may read this from your own Bible or from a Gospel of John which will be sent upon request. When the Gospel has been satisfactorily read, and a statement sent to this effect, signed by parent or Sunday- school teacher, a K. Y. B. C. pin will be sent. When Sunday-school classes or clubs order a quantity of Gospels or pins exceeding the number of ten, we have thought they might like to contribute something to­ ward the supply of the same, as the Lord directs. The cost of the Gospels, including the cost of postage and mailing, is about five cents; of the pins, without post­ age, two cents. However, no one is to do without a Gospel or pin because of lack of money. Ad­ dress; Junior Dept, o f THE KING'S BUSINESS, 558 So. Hope Street, Los Angeles, California.

A Watered Garden Open your Bibles to Isaiah, chapter 58. In the eleventh verse, you will find these words : “And thou shalt be like a watered garden.” A “watered garden” ! What do those words bring to your mind? It makes one think of green grass, tall trees, fra­ grant flowers, and fountains of clear, cool water. What a difference water makes to a garden ! There are other gardens—gardens that are not watered nor cared for regu­ larly. What a difference ! Weeds are grow­ ing everywhere, the grass is yellow and parched ; there are no flowers or shade trees. No one would want to visit a garden like this for rest and refreshment. No, God does not want our lives to be like this garden. Look at the “watered” garden. As you care for the garden and water the grass and flowers, remember that God wants your life to be like a “watered garden.” He wants your life to shed a fragrance of Himself as the garden o f flowers, your life to bear the fruits of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22, 23) as the trees in the well-watered garden —He wants your life to rest folk who come near. You would rather be like the watered garden than the dry, parched one, would you not? Let the Lord Jesus come into your heart’s garden as your Saviour. Keep your garden watered each day with the Word of God through the Holy Spirit, and your life w ill be fragrant and fruitful for Him, like a “watered garden.” Bible Gardens God’s Word speaks of gardens. Read the following scriptures, and you will find what God says happened in gardens. Make a list of the gardens in your notebook; ' also write briefly what happened in each: 1. Genesis 2 :8-17 and chapter 3. 2. John 18. 3. John 19:41, 42. 4. John 20:1, 11-18. Mem ory W ork During the past year, most of our mem­ ory work has been taken from the Gospel according to John. We trust you have memorized the verses given, one for each week. If you have done so, you have hid­ den away in your heart many precious promises which will bless you all the days o f your life. The following are the verses that have been given from month to month for you to memorize from John’s Gospel. How many can give them all from mem­ ory ? Recite them all to some older person, and when a statement is sent from the person saying you have recited them cor­ rectly, recognition will be given. These are the verses: John 1 :12, 29; 3: 16, 36; 5:24; 6:37, 47, 51; 8:12, 36; 10:27, 28; 11:25; 14:1-3, 13-15, 27; 15:5,7, 12-14; 16:33; 17:3; 19:17, 18; and 20:19-31.

Not a word was said by the Saviour (who was none other than the Son of the great King) o f Will’s rebellion, but to­ gether they went through the garden, and as the light the Saviour carried showed up first one evil tree and then another, a strange thing happened. It seemed as though they could not live in the Saviour’s light, but withered before it. Then in their place He planted nine beautiful trees, which took root and bore fruit at once. They were called: Love, Joy, Peace, Long- suffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faithful­ ness, Meekness, and Self-Control. Now as Will ate the fruit of the new trees, his face began to change again. It lost the cruel, hard, deceitful expression, and began to grow more and more like the One who had sown the good seed. How happy he felt, and how earnestly and often he talked with his new Friend, and how he strove in everything to please Him and show gratitude for His great goodness! There was one fear he had, however, and as they walked out one evening in the gar­ den, he took courage to mention it. “My Saviour,” said he, “what would happen if Thou wert to go away from my garden and leave me alone?” The Saviour answered, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” And He never did.—From What to Teach and How to Reach the Young by G eorge G oodman , Pickering & Inglis, London. An Acrostic All the words are to be found in the first five chapters of the Gospel o f John. 1 . ............- (John 2:14, 15, 19-21). 2 . .................. (John 3:12, 31). 3 . - - - - - - - (John 4:42). 4 . ............ (John 1:14, 17; 4:23, 24). 5. - - - - - - - - - (John 5 :5). 6. - - - - - - (John 1 :43). 7 . ............................. (John 5:9). 8. - - - - - - - - - - - (John 3 :16, 36; 4: 14; 5:24). 9 . ....................... (John 2:11, 12, 17, 22). When these words are found and placed in order, the initial letters from 1 to 9 will spell a word telling what a believer did, mentioned in the fourth chapter o f John. _ —Y oung C hina .

An Appeal to the Children B y B. J. S alvage

Now, while the heart is tender, Now, while the cheek is fair, Now is the time to render The consecrating prayer; Now let the fragrant incense O f first, best vows ascend To Him who loves the children— To Christ, their first, best FRIEND.

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