July, 1933
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
‘I shall know Him, I shall know Him, By the print of the nails in His hand.’ Every other recollection . . . is long since forgotten, but the power and the passion which these words produced still remain. Both these hymns [that and another the author had already mentioned] came from the pen of Fanny Crosby, and this volume is sent forth with a prayer that youthful hearts may be charmed to the Saviour with the artless music of one who sang because God put gladness into her heart.” 64 pages. Pickering & Inglis. Board. Price 50 cents. HOMILETICAL HELPS God’s Gifts 1. His Only Begotton Son (John 3:16). 2. Eternal Life (Rom. 6:23). 3. The Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38). 4. Saving Faith (Eph. 2:8 ). 5. Suffering for His Name’s Sake (Phil. 1:29). —J. C. P. How God Deals with the Wayward M alachi 3 :7-12 I. Assertion (7, 8). “ Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse.” “All nations shall call you blessed.” —J. C. P. Things Which God Hath Prepared 1 C orinthians 2 :9 ,1. A Prepared Body (Heb. 10:5). 2. A Prepared People (Lk. 1 :17). 3. A Prepared Place (John 14:2,3). 4. A Prepared City (Heb. 11:16). 5. A Prepared Salvation (Lk. 2:30, 31). 6. A Prepared Table (Psa. 23:5). 7. A Prepared Dinner (Matt. 22:4). 1. The God of Glory (Psa. 29:3). 2. The God of Love (2 Cor. 13:11). 3. The God of Patience (Rom. 15:5). 4. The God of Hope (Rom. 15:13). 5. The God of Peace (Rom. 15 :33). 6. The God of all Comfort (2 Cor. 1 :3). 7. The God of all Grace (1 Pet. 5:10). . A C anadian R eader . Behold! I. Behold the Lamb (John 1:29). The Church (Rev. 5:6). II. Behold thy King (John 12:15). Israel (Rev. 5:5). III. Behold the Man (John 19:5). Gentiles (Rev. 5:13). —A non . Why I Believe in Missions 1. Because God does—He sent His Son (John 3:16). 2. Because Jesus does (Acts 1 :8, 9). 3. Because the Holy Spirit does (Acts 13:2). 4. Because the angels do (Lk. 2:14). 5. Because the saints in glory do (Rev. 5:9, 10). —K enneth M ackenzie . V. Restoration (12). —S elected . Our God I saiah 45:22 “Ye have turned aside.” “Ye have robbed me.” II. Condemnation (9). “Ye are cursed with a curse.” III. Invitation (7). IV. Direction (10). “ Return unto me.”
Prophecy Text Book B y K eith L. B rooks
Excellent Thoughts B y J. F. G ray
This book, now in its third edition, deals with the great fundamental truths upon which the faith of the believer rests. Sev eral of the chapters center in the cross, setting forth the completeness of Christ’s work thereon and the certainty o f His triumphant victory. It is a splendid book for devotional meditation. 143 pages. Pick ering & Inglis. Cloth. Price $1.00. King James Version in New Editions Sunday-schools that are accustomed to using Bibles as awards or promotion gifts will welcome a new series of the King James Version of the Bible which has been put on the market by the American Bible Society. A good, clear-type, attractive board-covered Bible such as is'often given to those graduating from Primary Depart ments, may be obtained for only twenty-five cents. Larger-Bibles in cloth, imitation, or real leather bindings and gilt edges are variously priced from fifty cents to $3.80, while a new series of Testaments and Gos pels is also available at similar low prices, American Bible Society, Bible House, As- tor Place, New York City. My Lady’s Golden Footprints B y E sther E. E noch When a child of eight, little Lady Phil ippa, o f Fontayne Towers, received a gift of golden slippers. Expressing the wish that she might make golden footprints with them, she is surprised to find that some one has put powdered gilt on the soles and made her wish come true. This incident of her childhood has a lasting influence on her whole life, and in spite o f wealth and high position, sbe learned always to make golden footprints by following in her Master’s steps. 317 pages. Pickering & Inglis. Cloth. Price $1.50. Ann H. Judson of Burma B y E. R. P itman Ann H. Judson is described as “one of the bravest foreign missionaries who ever lived. A frail‘ woman who dared to ven ture with the gospel into a hostile, heathen land.” The story is told of how there came into her life an intense passion for lost souls in the regions beyond, o f how God called her to be the wife o f a pioneer in Burma, of how she answered the call of God at a time when few women were risking their lives in foreign fields, and of how God used her there to glorify His name. The book will be an inspiration to all who read it. 96 pages. Pickering & Inglis. Cloth. Price 50 cents. Fanny Crosby B y J ohn H awthorn In this short volume, the story is told o f a little blind girl, who gave her heart to the Lord and who learned through a life of human affliction to rejoice in her Saviour and to make others glad. A word from the author’s preface will reveal the purpose of the book: “The crowded years of a busy life cannot efface the memory of an even ing . . . when, in a dimly lit gospel tent, a pale-faced young woman sang as a solo these thrilling, words:
In this volume of 93 pages, Mr. Brooks has provided just what the title suggests, a textbook on prophecy. On page 13, there is a paragraph which we quote: “One cannot serve Christ intelligently who does not clearly understand God’s program for this age. Our task is not the gradual transformation of society through education, reform, and preaching, but the completion o f a spiritual body comprised of regenerated souls making up the true church, called out o f the nations.” This book will meet a long-felt need, for it covers practically every aspect of pro phetic study. W e do not agree with all the author’s conclusions, as, for example, the teaching concerning the kingdom, on page 9. We recognize, however, that a number of Bible students adopt this same point of view, and that they are sincere and strong in their convictions. There is so much in this book o f positive and scriptural instruc tion that we gladly commend it. Its ap pearance and make-up are attractive. The type is clear, the quality o f paper excellent, and the paper cover is of a durable nature. 93 pages. Keith L. Brooks, 2003 "Addison Way, Los Angeles, Calif. Paper. Price 54 cents. Elemental Theology B y E mory H. B ancroft The author has rendered fine service in providing for Bible students such a text book on Bible doctrine. Bible doctrine is the systematic arrangement of Bible truth. This volume presents in systematic form what the Bible reveals concerning God, man, angels, the church, and the future ages. The opening words o f the book are significant, and they state a fact o f great importance. We quote: “The attitude taken toward the Scriptures themselves governs in a large measure the conceptions and conclusions drawn from their teach ings. If they are regarded as fully author itative upon the subjects with which they •deal, then their positive statements con stitute the sole foundation for Christian doctrine.” The author is o f the conserva tive school, and his book will doubtless be used in Bible Institutes and by Bible stu dents who know that “thy Word is truth.” 303 pages. Conservative Book and Bible Publishing Co. 5yi Brintall PL, Bingham ton, N.Y. Cloth. Sermons from Life B y C larence E. M acartney Here are twenty-three sermons, each one suggested to the author by an incident in his own experience. Many o f the sermon titles have been taken from the lips of those with whom he has talked and given counsel. For example: “ I Believe Every One Has a Right to be Happy” ; “ I Want to See Life” ; “ If I Had My Life to Live Over Again,” etc. Dr. Macartney states in his foreword: “In each sermon, I try,to point the way to Him who came and who died that we might have life and that we might have it more abundantly.” Pas tors will find helpful and practical sermon material in this volume, 292 pages. Cokes- bury Press. Cloth. Price $1.50.
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