King's Business - 1933-06

July, 1933

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


well as I can, and serve my Master as faithfully as I can, until He shall think proper to call me home.” —T he S unday S chool T imes . Samuel Talking to God 1 S amuel 3 :l-9, 19 Memory Verse: “My God will hear me” (Mic. 7 :7 ). Approach: From the time that Hannah brought her little boy, Samuel, up to the temple to give him to the service o f God, the temple became his home, and the high priest, Eli, was like a father to him. Lesson S tory : Samuel had many duties . —B


THE BABYLON of H ISTORY j THE BABYLON of MYSTERY { When and how will It be destroyed? } Inasmuch as one of our esteemed contemporaries has been giving wide publicity to the idea that the prophecies concerning old Babylon were not fulfilled, and irtiplying that there must be a re­ built Babylon before the prophecies of the downfall of the great city of Revelation could be fulfilled, THE EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN in the June issue will deal with this. Fully illustrated by photos of the ruins of Babylon in history, and pictures of Babylon in mystery taken by the Editor. Per copy 20 cts.; 6 mos. $1*00; 1 yr. $2.00. A 3 mos. “Taste and See” subscription 50 cts. THE EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN, Dept. KB-2 366 Bay St., Toronto, Can.

to perform in the temple. He was Eli’s helper; and w h e n he grew up, he was to take Eli’s place. God had lots of work for him to do, and He needed to be­ gin to t r a i n him early to listen to His voice and to obey Him. One evening after


“ P A L E S T I N E ” in the JULY ISSUE of the C H R I S T I A N V I C T O R Y M A G A Z I N E Amazing facts of enthralling interest to every student of Bible Prophecy. Sent anywhere for only 10c. Subscription, $1.00 per year. Christian Victory Publishing Co., 2909 Umatilla Street, Denver, Colorado F. J. MELDAU, Editor

Eli and Samuel had gone to bed, Samuel heard a voice calling him. He supposed that it was Eli, and he ran to him and said, “Here am I.” But Eli had not called him. Samuel went back to bed and again he heard the voice. Once more he ran to Eli, but Eli had not called him. Samuel went back to bed, and again he heard the voice. He ran to Eli and said, “ Here am I, for thou didst call me.” Then Eli knew that it must have been God who was calling Samuel. So he said to Samuel, “ Go, lie down; and it shall be, if he call thee, that thou shalt say, Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth.” So Samuel did as Eli told him, and it was God who was calling him and who had something important to tell him.- And this is how Samuel learned to listen to God; and this is why, when he grew up, he was a brave and powerful leader. God speaks to us, too. He speaks to our hearts, but we cannot hear unless we are listening to His voice. AUGUST 27, 1933 SAUL 1 S amuel , C hapters 9 to 11 and 15 Lesson T ext: 1 Sam. 15:13-26. Golden T ext: “ Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice” (1 Sam. 15:22). Teraphim uring their conquest of Canaan, the Israelites were repeatedly told by Jehovah to destroy all the posses­ sions of the people of the land, together with the people themselves. This command was given to keep them from coming into

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possession o f th e false gods and im­ ages which the Ca- naanites worshiped. Whenever th e Is­ raelites became too familiar w i t h the gods of the heathen, they worshiped them themselves. It was because he allowed

the people to keep some of the spoil of the cities which they conquered that king Saul is rebuked by Samuel, as recorded in our lesson today. The household gods of the people pf that day were graven images. The teraphim

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