T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
July, 1933
the enemy against whom the Israelites were fighting, he decided to save out the best of their sheep and their cattle, and he even let the wicked king live. Another time, he grew tired waiting for Samuel, the priest, to come and sacrifice for the people, so he, who was not a priest at all, performed the sacrifice. He was not a good leader any longer because he was so disobedient. God could hot trust him now to do His will. So his work was finished. God had to choose another king to take his place. He could not let Saul’s son be chosen king of Israel, for Saul’s children might be no better than Saul himself. So it was that Saul, who was Israel’s first king, and who might have been their best, failed because he was dis obedient. God expects us to be obedient, too. He wants us to be obedient first to our parents and our teachers, and then most o f all we are to be obedient to God and to His. com mandments. Notes on Christian Endeavor [Continued from page 236] III. W hat G od ’ s W ord D oes The Word of God stands ever fast, It warns us with a trumpet blast, It came with power that men might fear, It came through man that men might hear. It pierces all the soul within, It shows the sinfulness of sin; As once to Adam, in his fall, It brings home guilt to great and small. Anon it speaks of wondrous love, To man, below, from God above, Salvation free to every one, Through faith in God’s beloved Son. Mr! Spurgeon found a worm-eaten Bible on a table in a Scottish wayside inn. Hold ing it up to the light, he noticed only one hole through which the light shone. One worm, it seems, had begun at Genesis and eaten through to Revelation; and Spurgeon prayed, “ Lord, make me a bookworm like that.” Camomiles “You smell delightfully fragrant,” said the Gravel Walk to a bed of Camomile flowers under the window. “We have been trodden on,” replied the Camomiles. “Does that cause it?” asked the Gravel Walk. “ Treading on me produces no sweet ness.” “ Our natures are different,” answered the Camomiles. “ Gravel Walks become only the harder by being trodden upon, but the effect on our own selves is that, if pressed and bruised when the dew is upon us, we give forth the sweet smell you now perceive.” “Very delightful,” replied the Gravel Walk. Trials come alike to the Christian and to the man of the world. The one grows bitter and hardened under the experience, while the other becomes mellow and Christ- like. It is because their natures are dif- f erent.—S elected . Greek Students’ Monthly Lovers of the Greek will be interested to know that the Greek Students? Monthly is now available. Address James E. Jackson, R.F.D. No. 1, Box 226-E, Hayward, Calif, for further information. —S elected . IV. A B ible B ookworm
voice” (v. 24). Many a soul has been lost through fear o f the people; against such fear we are warned more than once in the Scriptures. ‘‘The fear of man bringeth a snare” (Prov. 29:25), and into such a snare Saul fell. Here again there is re morse but no repentance, lie had no sor row because of sin, but only because of the punishment his sin brought to him. While Saul was rejected as king, he was not as yet beyond the reach of God’s grace. That grace was sufficient to restore him to fellowship with God, to forgive his sin, and to take away his rebellion. But having sold himself to the devil, there was nothing that could be done for him, and he went on from this time refusing the grace which was ready to pardon and restore. From this time onward, his path led downward and away from God, until at last it ended in that dark night when, forsaken by his followers, forsaken by God, and forsaken by his own mind, he lifted his hand against his own- life. His rebellion was crowned with that act which denied God and placed a stigma upon his record forever. Pride, dis obedience, rebellion, stubbornness, and re jection of grace were the steps Saul took into eternal darkness. Lesson Questions Vs. 13-15. What had Saul been com manded to do (15 :3 )? If a command is not wholly obeyed, is it obeyed at all ? Study the pronouns “they” and “ we” in verse 15; what do they indicate regarding the shifting of responsibility and the as suming of undue credit (ef. vs. 20, 21) ? Vs. 16-21. What was Saul’s estimate of himself when he was made king? How did it change? What falsehood did Saul tell? Will the Lord accept as a sacrifice anything that has been gained through dis obedience to His will? Vs. 22, 23. To what did Samuel liken re bellion and stubbornness? Why was Saul rejected as king? Vs. 24-26. Was Saul repentant or merely remorseful ? What was his excuse for hav ing sinned? How fearful should we be of other people (cf. Num. 14:9; Deut. 1:17, 28; 31:6; Ezek. 3 :8 )? Golden Text Illustration An engine driver, as he was driving his luggage train a long journey, received the following order: “ Switch that train into the river.” He did so, jumping from the engine as he attended to the order. He didn’t know the meaning of it, but simply obeyed. Two or three minutes after, the mail train came thundering past, He had saved hundreds of lives by obedience. —Bible Truths Illustrated. Learning to Obey 1 S amuel 15:1, 16-19, 24, 26 Memory Verse: “ Children, obey your parents” (Col. 3:20). Approach: When Samuel grew to be a man and a leader of the children of Israel, the people wanted a king to rule over them, so God chose for them a king—and it was Samuel who anointed Saul to be the king of Israel. L e s s o n S t o r y :
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Saul was a good king when he was first given the posi tion. He obeyed God and led the children of Israel to do the right things. But af ter he had become a great and power ful king, he began to do things in his
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own way instead o f the way God had told him. When God told him to utterly destroy
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