July, 1933
diate and constant presence of God and the atmosphere of heaven. We feed upon the living bread in the tabernacle and breathe the sweet incense from the golden altar. Our spirit is that of communion, our life a ceaseless prayer, our highest min istry intercession for others, and praise and worship unto Him. This is a high calling and a heavenly place. Are we walking worthy of this great name? —A. B. S impson . AUGUST 14 “Sons o f God” (Rom. 8:16). Wherever you find submission to divine guidance, you have evidence o f a divine birth . . . The basis for any sound or scriptural confidence that one is a child of God must always remain this)—that one’s conduct shows one to be “led by the Spirit.” When a believer is walking as .closely as he ought with God, there may exist a sa cred and humble persuasion that his actual relationship to God, however it has come about, is no other than that of son to father. Wherever such a persuasion as this is found within the breast, it is a secret possession for him who has it. It justifies itself only to the soul in which it dwells. It is the witness of God within the man. —J. O swald D ykes . AUGUST IS “ This is my comfort . . . thy zvord hath quickened me” (Psa. 119:50). The Book of God becomes the one stan dard by which to look into the face of God, and to hear His voice., and to touch His hand, and be touched by His hand, and to know Him intimately. In this old Book of God, He speaks. It is one voice from Gen esis 1 :1 right to the end of Revelation 22. There is the face of God looking intoi our faces on every page, and a voice speaking, aye, and a heart breaking over man’s stub bornness, man set in his own way. —S. D. G ordon . Slip away into the silence o f the secret place. Forget, for the moment—deliberate ly, purposefully—your aching heart, your troubled, tangled- path. Let God speak. The voice of His Word has comfort in it, and power, and victory. And—strangely, surely—no other voice has! As you shut yourself up to ail hour alone with the Word and the Christ o f the Word, you will find, as George Goodman did, that “He has made us so happy that sometimes we can not sleep for very joy of hearing Him.” | ® - S elected . AUGUST 16 “Rest in the Lord” (Psa. 37:7). Fear not, brethren, joyful stand On the borders of your land. Jesus Christ, your Father’s Son, Bids you undismayed go on. M S J ohn C ennick .
“My strength is made perfect in weak ness” (2 Cor. 12 :9). Every servant o f the Lord is able, at some time or other, to enter into .White- field’s much-quoted prayer, when he cried: “O Lord, I am never weary o f Thy work, but I am often weary in it.”{T O f all forms of weariness, mental ex haustion and spiritual fatigue are by far and away the most critical..' It may be true that temperament plays a large part in these matters, but, even so, we are persuaded that many a nervous breakdown could have been avoided if the believer had learned the secret o f Christ’s rest. He is able to make every kind o f grace abound toward us, and even when the mind is becoming exhausted and the spirit is fatigued,. He is able to give us a season of refreshing, which makes is possible for us to resume the old task with buoyant step and a new song in the heart.—L ife - of F aith . AUGUST 17 "Let us consider one another” (Heb. 10: 24). Said a noted divine to me in the train yesterday, “ Bishop, you used to ask people whom you met for their best thought. What is your best thought today?” And my answer was, “Each for other, and both for God.” May it become our motto . . . Pastor and people, “Each for other, and both for God.” Parent and child, “Each for other, and both for God.” Husband and wife, “Each for other, and both for God.” . . . Sweetheart and friend, “Each for other, and both for God.” I f you make it your motto, you will prove that the steps of God’s people are ordered by the Lord. It has ever been so according to the Scrip ture, and according to our experience, both yours and mine, that when we have been in harmony with God’s Word and with God’s will, there has been clear guidance. •—B ishop T aylor S mith . AUGUST 18 “I f I then, ygur Lord and Master, have washed your fe et„lye ought also to. wash one another’s feet” (John 13:14). Strangely, on that solemn night, the dis ciples had fallen into an untimely quarrel over which o f them should be the greatest; and then the Lord Himself rose from the table and tied the towel round His waist, and went from one wondering dis ciple to another, and washed the feet of all. Did Jesus compare Himself with each of these disciples, and own Himself the in ferior o f each? He only said by His ex quisite action that there was something in every one o f them, in serving which even His divinity found no inappropriate em ployment. It was the truth of His whole incarnation wrought into a homely picture. —P hillips B rooks . AUGUST 19 “ But when they saw him walking upon the sea, they . . . were troubled. And im mediately he saith, It is I ; be not afraid" (Mk. 6:49). To the believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, however black the night, there is no storm that does not bring to him, walking on the waves o f the very storm that menaces, the strong Son of God who is Master of all. Sometimes He is mistaken for another ; sometimes the accents o f His voice are un distinguished above the roar o f the waves. But He is there, trusting heart. He is com ing nearer to you. He is speaking words of hope.—A ndrew W ills . ¡L Black the night and rough the sea
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