King's Business - 1933-06



July, 1933

like the trees of Lebanon, “ full of sap.” We desire to be filled unto the fullness of Thy love, Thy life, Thy truth, and Thy glory... We want Thyself. Thy presence makes the feast. Without Thee we cannot live, and apart from Thee we dare not die. But Thou dost love us. Thou takest Thy de­ lights with the sons of men; “like as a father pitieth,” “as one whom his mother comforteth.” Our Father-God and Mother- God, put underneath us Thine everlasting arms. Breathe upon us. Kiss us with the kisses o f Thine own mouth. Make Thy presence a great reality . . . Strengthen us, clothe us in power, and may Thy name be glorified in us forever. Amen. —J ames W orboys . AUGUST 24 “H e that doeth the will o f God abideth for ever" (1 John 2:17). You could write the biography of Jesus around that one phrase of doing the will of God. It was the thing for which He lived, the thing by which He lived, the thing in which He lived. The will of God simply caught Him up and bore Him on His way. There came no time in Jesus’ life when He wanted anything better than to be doing the will of God. It is doing the will of God that makes men abide forever. Speak to me by name, dear Master. Let me know it is to me, Speak that I may follow faster With a heart more glad and free. I am listening, Lord, for Thee, What hast Thou to say to me? AUGUST 25 “ Trust in him at all times . . . God is a refuge fo r us" (Psa. 62:8). One writes o f watching an old tree in the autumn, as the leaves were touched by the frosts, and fell off when the rough winds blew. As the tree at last became bare, he saw a bird’s nest on one of the branches. Through the summer days, the nest had been hidden beneath the thick foliage, but the blasts o f winter which swept away the leaves uncovered this home and shelter of the birds. So, ofttimes, is it in the history o f God’s children. In their prosperity, we see not their refuge, which is hidden beneath the leaves o f worldly prosperity. But when adversity comes, taking away earthly beauty, stripping off the bright foliage, their true and eternal refuge in God is dis­ closed. The storms of earth should only drive them back into God’s bosom. —J. R. M iller . AUGUST 26 “Let your requests be made known unto God" (Phil. 4:6 ). W e have not to agonize before Him as though, like the priests of Baal, who cried and cut themselves, we shall move Him by our anguish. Calmly, quietly, simply, make your requests known. Take your burden into His presence and lay it down there. He is your Father. He who made the body and gave it you will see the supply o f its needs. Your health, your children, the con­ dition of His church are dear to Him who notices a falling sparrow, and by whom the very hairs of your head are all num­ bered. We shall not escape life’s discipline . . . But amid all, peace, God’s white-winged sentinel angel, shall come down to keep the heart with its affections, the mind with its thoughts. Worry, unrest, anxiety will stand without whilst the child o f God learns humbly and patiently the lesson of His Father’s love.—F. B. M eyer . •—S elected .

Looming eerily and high In the dark and windy sky, But ’twas Jesus drawing near, And His voice said: “Do not fear; It is I.” So whatever shape there be Coming o’er life’s tossing sea — Every spectre looming high In the dark and windy sky; Whether hindering circumstance, Dreaded change or threatening chance — Jesus, give us faith to hear Thy voice calling: “Do not fear; It is I." —A nnie J ohnson F lint . AUGUST 20 “Eat ye that which is good’’ (Isa. 55:2). “ So foolish was I and ignorant: I was as a beast before thee,” or this commandment would not have been needed. Good, whole­ some, delicious food set plentifully before us, and yet we have to be told to eat that which is good I Is it not humiliating ? What about our daily practical obedience to this command? How much are we going to eat today o f that which is good, in pro­ portion to that which satisfieth not? Will it be a question o f minutes for the Word by which we live, and hours for books which are at best negative as to spiritual nutriment? What is our present obedience to the parallel command, “ Desire the sin­ cere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby” ? What about our appetite for the strong meat, the deep things o f God? —F rances R idley H avergal . AUGUST 21 “ But I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not" (Lk. 22:32). It is a poor faith which can only trust God when friends are true, the body full of health, and the business profitable. But that is true faith which holds up the Lord’s faithfulness when friends are gone, when the body is sick, when the spirits are de­ pressed, and the light of our Father’s coun­ tenance is hidden. The faith which can say in direct trouble, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust him,” is heaven-born faith. “Lord, give me such a faith as this I” —S elected . The Lord can, and will, bear all the strain that faith can ever put on Him. The greatest troubles are easy to His power, and the darkest mysteries are clear to His wisdom.—C. H. S purgeon . AUGUST 22 “ Without me ye can do nothing” (John 1.5:5). “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me" (Phil. 4:13). The very defeats o f the believer, there­ fore, are victories, since, driven back from the outposts of self, a retreat into Christ becomes inevitable. Not as those who go to this warfare at their own charges, and carry it on from their own resources, does he contend. That is but Adam against Adam ; the natural man attempting to con­ quer himself; a conquest which must always end in failure. He who is in Christ fights from victory in his very attempt to fight for victory. And therefore he is never so strong as when, from some fierce sortie upon the flesh, he retires into his fortress, confessing with renewed humility that the Lord is his refuge and his strength. —A. J. G ordon . AUGUST 23 “But Christ is all and in all” (Col. 3 :11). Loving Lord, Thou fountain o f life and love and peace, grant us a fuller measure of Thy Holy Spirit, that our lives may be

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