King's Business - 1933-06


July, 1933

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


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1 i k e a banner glorious, there floated, in huge letters suspended above the choir loft where the members o f the twenty-third annual graduating class of the Bible Insti­ tute o f Los Angeles were sitting on the evening of June 1, the meaningful words of their chosen class motto: “ Sep­ arated unto the gospel.” Eager young graduates— 118 of

with the good news, BY GOD ’S GRACE, TH IS BIBLE IN ST ITUTE W ILL GO ON , ever “ separated unto the gospel,” training new recruits for new and waiting fields. Tuition is always absolutely free, and the thousands o f dol­ lars needed for the maintenance o f this great interdenomi­ national enterprize are forthcoming only as God moves

them— each with pur­ poseful step took his or her place under this exalted standard. Significantly, *t h e shadow o f the words fell also on a more ma­ ture company, closely associated w i t h the first, a group seated on the platform and rep­ resenting the Faculty and Board o f Direc­ tors o f the Institute— men and women whose very attitude bespeaks a d e te rm in a tion of

upon the hearts of His stewards and they re­ spond to His will. In a real and prac­ tical sense, the words o f the class motto are also the incentive of every Biola student. Spurred on by them, groups o f graduates a n d undergraduates have traveled or else are planning to go this summer from coast to coast* requiring no re­ muneration beyond the joy o f seeing s o u l s

M embers of the 1933 G raduating C lass of the B ible I nstitute of Los A ngeles

saved. During the vacation period, eleven groups, consist­ ing o f eighty or more young people, will engage in definite evangelistic and Bible teaching work. They are variously named: Ambassadors, Calvary Four, Challengers, King’s Highway Quartet, Master’s Messengers, Women’s Quar- etc. Their schedules call for

years, to know nothing “ save Jesus Christ and him cruci­ fied” and to magnify His Word above all His name. They, too, are “ separated unto the gospel”— and to nothing else. They take their places in a noble succession, for since the

day of its founding, a quarter of a cen­ tury ago, the Bible Institute has always had among its leaders those who were willing to live for, to exemplify—and to die for, if need be—the gospel o f the grace of God, untarnished by modern­ ism, untinctured with cold formalism.

tet, Zion’s Watchmen, meetings in prac­ tically all parts of the country. S eparated for S ervice — H ere :- and A far One group of

Humanly speaking, it is their consistent loyalty to the Lord Jesus Christ and to the whole Word of God that has made possible the sending forth of not only a c o m p a n y o f 118 graduates in 1933, but of over 15,000 others who, in day, evening, and corres­ pondence sch oo ls, have here received their tr a in in g for C h ristian w ork . A n d w h e n t h i s year’s c l a s s has sca tte red , n eve r again to be gathered together un til the s o u n d i n g o f the trumpet a n d t h e coming of the Lord shall call them from the four corners of the earth to which they are hastening

D elmar H oward , women’s class speaker and class musician.

six y ou n g men, five of them be­ ing gradua tes, known as Crusa­ ders for Christ, l^ff Los Angeles On the morning

Separated Unto the Gospel

Ma», Koot»

L Calledfrom«in’*bur-denandhopelessdespair;Calledby the Maa-ter, Hi* 2. Cho - sen by Je-sos,ourSaviourandKing;Calledfor j a purpote—-Hi* 4 . All glo-rytoGod,w ishasboundus with

Crusaders (left to right).: P. Roper, Dick Hillis, N. Foland, Don Hillis, O. Smith, N. Chrisman.

of March 9, trav­ eled 9,970 miles, held 313 meetings o f thirty minutes or longer in thirty towns in ten states. They were singularly disinterested in the keeping of figures, but to their knowl­ edge, there were over 500 definite decisions for Christ. In every city where they held meetings for more than one day, they were invited to teach Bible classes in the public schools. In Wichita, Kan., they reached 6,500 young people in this way, in the five days they were there. How truly these young men were “ separated unto the gospel” may be judged from such letters as the following, which the Insti­ tute has received: “ God has bestowed a wonderful blessing on Waterloo the past week. Six young men have been in Walnut Street Baptist Church. I truly thank God fo r such material that Biola sends out. I have a daughter that is planning on going to Bible college somewhere. Surely, she would make no mistake in going to Biola.” With a record o f blessing attending all their witness-

glo-rie* to chare; Strengthenedwith pow-er from Heav-en a-bove, message to singl Noth-ing with-hold-ing, our all in Hishands, love to His heart; Sealed by His Spir-it that we now for-e'er kept by His love; En • trust-ed by Him this Gos-pel to take, . . . jGj # a» J J t n

-/ llf jluR fj CrownedwithHisblessing and in • fi - nite lovel Work - ing at home or in far distant lands. Maygracethenbe ours,that

Ful - ly sur-rendered,HisGos-pel de-dare. That oth-ers may too His Glo-nes par-take.

day on-to day,NothingmayhinderThywill to o-bey;Always _J* JV'fr -'S'.-lr yLA’-f' y T L*I f" '

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