Shock Relay Catalog

TSUBAKI SHOCK RELAY INTRODUCTION TO SHOCK RELAY OVERLOAD PROTECTION The truth is any machine can break. The probability of impact damage to a machine

It doesn’t have to happen. Tsubaki’s family of overload protection devices offer a solution to fit every need. Our family of overload protection devices keeps you productive all day, every day without interruption to assure maximum productivity is maintained. Tsubaki offers the finest power transmission products in the industry and provides protection for those parts and the equipment they belong to. Tsubaki Shock Relay and Shock Monitor products provide inexpensive insurance for expensive equipment.

is inevitable. Eventually, a machine will jam due to an obstruction, feed jam, foreign object intrusion, mechanical failure, etc. Something will happen, and there’s no telling when. Unintended load changes on the equipment can have big consequences. As equipment becomes more integrated, a shock or jam in one part of the production line can snowball into a complete system shutdown – resulting in damaged equipment, loss of product, and reduced productivity.

Protect what you value.

Protect Cutter

Protect Roller

Protect Machine

Protect Conveyor


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