King's Business - 1951-02

YOUR BIBLE A N D YOU By Charles R. Erdman, D. D.

Make good money sell­ ing our quick moving merchandise. Complete line o f Bibles, Books,


To encourage interest in becoming personally acquainted with the Word of God is the worthy aim of this splendid book by this distinguished Bible scholar. Along with other in­ valuable material, it contains a clear, readable, interesting résume of every book in the Bible. It is almost in­ credible that so much can be packed into so little space. 180 pages. John C. Winston Co., Philadelphia, Pa. LINGER ING AT CALVARY By S. Franklin Logsdon Believing that Calvary is “ the focal point of prophecy” , Pastor Logsdon has presented appealing sermons on almost every phase of this all-impor­ tant subject. Some moving poetry is also included. 157 pages. Evangelical Publishers, Toronto, Canada. Cloth. Price $1.75. FEED M Y LAMBS By Henry T. Vriesen This is a beautiful devotional book for children, arranged for every day in the year. The narrative is simple and the sepia illustrations of Bible lands clear and attractive. 389 pages. Reliance Publishing Company, Green Bay, Wis. Cloth. Price $3.00. JO H N G. PATON, APOSTLE TO THE SOUTH SEAS; WILFRED GRENFELL, ADVENTURER TO THE NORTH; PAN- DITA RAMABAI, HEROINE OF IND IA Stories by Vernon Howard, Illustrated by J. L. Craig These three booklets are selected from the Children’s Missionary Li­ brary. The interesting text is accom­ panied with vividly-colored full-page drawings. They should be most ef­ fective in presenting the needs of mission lands to children of Junior age. Fleming H. Revell, New York, N. Y. Board. 75 cents each. H IGLEY'S SUNDAY SCH O O L LESSON COMM EN TAR Y FOR 1951 By R. D. Higley Based upon the International Uni­ form Lessons, this book contains doz­ ens of valuable features in addition to the excellent exposition of the lesson. 320 pages. Higley Press, Publishers, Butler, Indiana. Cloth. Price $1.75. TELL ME QUICK, BIBLE QUIZZES By F. Herbert Moehlmann The writer’s one purpose for this publication is to awaken in young people an interest in, and reverence and love for God’s Word. The intelli­ gent and conscientious use of Bible quizzes leads to most encouraging and gratifying results. 63 pages. Zonder- van Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Paper, 50 cents.

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WORLD M ISSION S By Martha L. Moennich

This well-written and interesting book giving facts and figures of mis­ sion fields in all parts of the world is valuable as a study book on this subject. Miss Moennich gives a graph­ ic account of missionary work already accomplished as well as a presentation of the great need still to be met. Hav­ ing visited more than fifty countries personally and having worked with fifty-three missionary organizations, the author is well qualified to write such an account. 181 pages. Zonder- van Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $2.00. MORE BIBLE QUIZZES FOR ALL O C C A S IO N S By Vernon Howard Still another selection of fascinat­ ing, thought-provoking questions and answers, ideal for a lively session in family circles and parties, for teach­ ing both old and young. Spiral lie-flat binding. 65 pages. Fleming H. Revell Co., New York, N. Y., and Pickering & Inglis, Ltd., Glasgow, Scotland. Board covers. Price $1.00. WE C A N HAVE REVIVAL N OW By John R. Rice This is a series of ten lectures re­ volving around the statement “ the harvest truly is great, but the labour­ ers are few.” The author points out that the time for revival is now, the Word of God still holding the answer to mankind’s need; that we are in the midst of the age of revival, the pres­ ent day witnessing a spiritual awak­ ening with a greater number of con­ versions than for a quarter of a cen­ tury. 201 pages. Sword of the Lord Publishers, Wheaton, 111. Cloth. Price $ 2 . 00 . F E B R U A R Y , 1 9 5 1

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