King's Business - 1951-02

est and intelligent reader before this series is completed. The Bible Contains No Scientific Errors The second, and even more impor­ tant line of evidence may be shown by the fact that the Bible does not contain the errors and fallacies of science common to the age of its pro­ duction. We are all more or less famil­ iar with the now refuted argument of the modernist, that the Bible is sim­ ply the result of varying types of culture. We are told that certain writ­ ers of the Scripture lived in succes­ sive stages of culture. Moses, for in­ stance, lived under an Egyptian cul­ ture. Some of the later prophets lived under a Persian culture, some under a Babylonian culture, and some under a Chaldean culture. The argument of modernism has been that these writ­ ers incorporated into their section of the Scripture the accepted wisdom of the age in which they lived. Because the things they wrote happened to be true, their books have survived down through the ages. This is a fascinating theory, but it has two things wrong with it. The first thing is, it is not true. The sec­ ond thing is, there is no semblance of veracity in the entire theory! Surely there were men who lived under varying cultures but they did not write the wisdom of their day in the books that bear their names. Moses, for instance, “was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians.” This man Moses was reared as the crown prince of Egypt. Being adopted by the daughter of Pharaoh, he be­ came the heir apparent to the throne. The finest education that Egyptian wisdom could provide was his. Being endowed by God with an unusually brilliant mentality, re-enforced by a strong personality, he became one of the leaders of his generation. Commentators seem to have lost sight of the fact that when Moses answered the call of God and offered himself as the emancipator of his en­ slaved brethren, he surrendered the sceptre of a kingdom that was prac­ tically a universal dominion; count­ ing it better to suffer for a time with the people of God and to reign with them in an eternal kingdom forever. So Moses, educated in the finest schools of Egypt, was “ learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians.” However, in this generation we can boast of that same wisdom and learn­ ing which Moses possessed. Through the marvelous discoveries of the T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE (Continued from Page 9)

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the fact that the Bible does not con­ tain the language of science. There­ fore he concluded that the Book could not be scientifically reliable. Of course, we are quick to admit the fact that the Bible does not con­ tain the language of science, and we are very glad that this is so. For the expression of human thought, lan­ guage is a vehicle which is invented and changed to meet the needs of every passing generation. The lan­ guage of modern science is as modern as science is recent. Its appearance in a Book from two to four thousand years of age would constitute so glar­ ing an evidence of anachronism as to rob that Book of any authority or value whatever. If we picked up a purportedly an­ cient volume which was supposed to have been written in the fifteenth century, and we found therein refer­ ences to such modern mechanical parts as carburetor, magneto, differential, transmission et cetera, we would cast the book aside with a laugh, knowing that it could not have been written at the time it was supposed to have been. This illustration is exact in applica­ tion to this objection. The language of science was produced to meet the needs of a generation centuries after the writing of the Bible was com­ pleted. Again, if the Bible were written in the peculiar vocabulary of modern science, it would be beyond the un­ derstanding and use of the common man. The language of science is not only wonderful, it is sometimes weird. Although laymen have had a great deal of enjoyment poking fun at the multisyllabic vocabulary of men of science, there is of course, a practical and reasonable basis for all the tech­ nical expressions. Certainly the Bible does not contain the language of science, but it does contain scientific fact. This absence of technical language, however, has no reverse bearing on the question of inspiration. It takes an unusual type of wisdom and ability to be able to express the deep and marvelous things of science in language so simple that a child can read and comprehend. As long as scientific fact may clearly be discerned in the Bible, it matters not in what sort of language those ex­ pressions of fact may be couched. And that the Bible does contain the facts of science, will be clearly demon­ strated to the satisfaction of the hon­

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