King's Business - 1951-02

FLANNELBOARD JOINETTES Children love action! Tom and Peter, t 9 inch assembled JOINTED boys of adhering stock, in col­ ors move to lifelike positions in 4 new flannelboard stories that tell how they found Christ. Set $1.10 Mary Tabor, Belleville, Michigan

stands ready to pay a thousand dol­ lars for the citation and the accom­ panying proof. We frankly admit that we do not have a thousand dol­ lars, but we are also fairly convinced that we. will have millions before such a case can be discovered! Surely there were writers who lived under a Babylonian culture, Daniel being perhaps the most famous of them all. Daniel, however, did not learn from the wisdom of Babylon, but the wisest of Babylon learned from Daniel. Kings and conquerors hung upon his words and obeyed his slightest suggestion. One of the great­ est books of the Bible came from the pen of this1man Daniel, who is sup­ posed, according to the critical theory, to have written only the wisdom com­ mon to his age. The reader may recall one of the many creation legends of Babylon, that tells of the battle fought between the chaos monster, Tiamat, and the great god, Marduke. This battle ended when Marduke was victorious and slew Tiamat. Not wishing to waste the great body, Marduke rolled the carcass o f Tiamat up, fastened it with its own tail, and stepped on it, squash­ ing it out flat. We then learn how the god, Marduke, began spitting; and wherever he spat, men sprang into being, full grown and erect. The men, in turn, began spitting, and where they spat, women suddenly emerged from the sod like the soldiers who came from the dragon’s teeth which were sowed by Jason. When there were women enough for all the men, they ceased this unique method of creation, and the women began spit­ ting. Where they spat, animals sprang into being, and thus the earth was created and populated! What utter and ridiculous nonsense it is even to consider that this Baby­ lonian science could find a place in the Book that tells men of the existence of God and of His mercy and grace! If, then, a Book was produced over a period of two thousand years, and every scientific fallacy of those two millennia was religiously excluded from its pages, a wisdom more than human is manifested therein. Not only did the Spirit of God reveal that which was true to the writers, but it becomes increasingly apparent that He also ruled out everything that was untrue. By this forethought and wis­ dom of .an omniscient Author, the Bible was kept in harmony with the discoveries of our generation, that we ! might find it acceptable in the day when a truly modern science should unfold the secrets; of the universe. (CONTINUED NEXT MONTH) T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

L INDA VISTA BAPTIST BIBLE CO LLEG E A N D SEM INARY Liberal Arts Theology Christian Education APPROVED FOR VETERANS SAN DIEGO II CALIFORN IA Ten in One Chemical Gospel Mystery Can 10 Gospel lessons with one can. Chemicals supplied and named. Arnold Carl Westphal, Michigan City, Ind.


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