King's Business - 1951-02

"Back to the Bible Revivals" Copyright 1935— O. W . Ejtucky Conducted by Evangelists

Rev. and Mrs. O. W . Stucky Presenting the Gospel Story in Sermon, Song and Saw. Booking Now—Dates for next season. 17345 Northrop Ave., Detroit 19, Mich.

W ESTERN BAPTIST BIBLE COLLEGE 528 33rd St. OAKLAND 9, CALIF. H. O. Van Gilder, D.D., President Three-year intensive Bible Course in Mis­ sions, Pastoral, Chr. Ed., Music. Approved for veterans. Write for Catalog. L IGHT and GUIDANCE For these days of the Age-End Are YOU reading PROPHECY MONTHLY? Editors:Keith L. Brooks, V. C. Oltrogge Official organ of American Prophetic League, Inc., to which the most competent prophetic specialists con­ tribute study material and vital information. You need this monthly handbook of timely helps. $1 bill for 10-month trial. U.S. $1.20 year; foreign, $1.35. Box BB, Eagle Rock Sta., Los Angeles 41 Çet our FREE C O P Y OF THIS 1951 CATALOG FOR CHRISTIAN WORKERS ILLUSTRATED

Helps for Christian Endeavor and Other Young People's Groups

March 4, 1951 WHO MASTERS YOU? Matt. 6:24-34; Col. 3:23, 24; 2:6, 7

and lust become lords of untold thou­ sands. Sin Is a Malicious Lord Rom. 6:16 There are sins of the spirit that rule over lives and there are sins of the flesh that master men. Pride, selfishness, greed, hatred, viciousness all become masters of those who will­ ingly permit their domination. Sins of the flesh, numerous and malicious, wreck and ruin the human body. Whenever any of these are permitted to rule and reign, then the person be­ comes a slave to them and always is led to the worst end. Both the body and the spirit suffer from these lords. The Holy Spirit Should Be Our Lord 2 Cor. 3:17 When the Lord Jesus went back to Heaven He and the Father sent this other wonderful Person to be the mas­ ter and the sovereign of our souls. We must choose as to whether we will invite Him to be our guide, our teach­ er, and our leader or whether we will submit to the other lords who cry for mastery. The Word of God is clear, the message of God is plain—-the re­ sults are certain. The Holy Spirit will lead into a holy life. He will make us godly neighbors, loving parents, obe­ dient children, and useful citizens. May He become the Lord of each one. March 11, 1951 YOU CAN—BUT WILL YOU? Phil. 4:13; Heb. 11:1-10; 12:1, 2 There is such a thing as believing in vain. We may say with our lips that we believe God’s truth, yet we may never bow in obedience to God’s Word nor become lovers of God’s Son. The Saviour said, “ Ye will not come unto

Human hearts and lives need guides. History has proved and so have our own lives that we are capable of mak­ ing many mistakes and bungling our programs. Every one has an ideal and yet few ever reach their goal. Our Lord knew that, so He has asked us to submit to His guidance and permit His leadership. Those who walk with God, trust the Lordship of Christ, depend upon the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and are instructed in the Word of God make a success of life. Christ Would Like to Be Our Lord Rom. 10:9 It is a well-known fact that when Christ Jesus rules the life and wins the heart’s affections, then that person becomes a godly, useful, excellent citi­ zen, husband, and Christian. Our crim­ inal courts are not filled with lovers of the Lord Jesus. The jail doors are rarely opened for any who accept God’s Son as the Lord of the life. Law­ yers do not get rich defending those who have turned their lives over to Christ Jesus and who love to walk with Him in obedience and trust. His Lordship in the life means godliness and obedience. Habits Desire to Be Our Lord Isa. 26:13 Most men are quite willing to be managed by lords that are neither profitable nor kind. Liquor rules the lives of multitudes. They will do any­ thing to get it, pay any price to ob­ tain it, and are willing to suffer the dire consequences. The cigarette ob­ tains complete mastery of its slaves. They cannot wait to get it. They are willing to burn, destroy, and insult in order to enjoy this lord. Passion

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