King's Business - 1951-02

or moderator, or of being in any other prominent position. It consists of be­ ing a “ servant” to any and all who are in need. The lesson closes by pre­ senting the key verse of the book of Mark in which Christ is set forth as the perfect Servant who at last paid the price of man’s redemption. The word ransom suggests the meaning of Christ’s death for man. It is the com­ mon word used in New Testament times for the price paid for a slave who was then set free by the one who bought him. Jesus gave His own life to set free the slaves of sin. That includes us all. Memory Verse: “Whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister [servant]” (Mark 10:43). The Lord Jesus Christ had only one purpose while He was upon the earth; that was to do the will of His Father in Heaven. Sometimes doing His Father’s will brought persecution to the Son of God. Sometimes others did not consider as important those things that the Lord Jesus did. When parents brought their young children to the Saviour for His bless­ ing, the disciples rebuked them. The Lord Jesus was much displeased; He showed the disciples that unless they too became as little children they could not hope to enter the kingdom of God. Another day, a rich young ruler ran and knelt at the Saviour’s feet to ask what he must do to inherit eter­ nal life. As God’s Son talked with the young man, He saw that he loved his wealth more than he loved God. When Jesus told the young man to sell his goods and to follow Him, the youth went away grieved, not willing to put God before his earthly possessions. One day as the disciples were walking with their Lord, He told them how He should be tortured and killed, and then, how He should arise again on the third day. Soon after that two of the disciples, James and John, asked Jesus if He would do whatever they asked of Him. When He asked what their request might be, they said, “ Grant unto us that we may sit, one on thy right hand, and the other on thy left hand, in thy glory.” They wanted to be first, to have the highest positions when Jesus should become the great Ruler of all! The other ten disciples were greatly displeased with James’ and John’s request. The Saviour told them that Page Twenty-seven Helps for the Children What Is Important? Mark 10:13-52

Pointers on the Lesson H omer A. K ent , T h .D.

Helps for the Children A llison A rrowood

Lesson material is based upon out­ lines of the International Sunday School Lessons copyrighted by the International Council o f Religious Education; used by permission.

March 4, 1951 WAYSIDE MINISTERS OF JESUS Mark 10:35-45

high places in the kingdom. But in such matters it is always better to leave the matter of position, whether above or below other servants of the Lord, to Him who knows where best each one will fit into His program. A Tender Reply vv. 38-40 In Jesus’ reply to the ill-advised re­ quest of the two disciples, He was very considerate of their weakness. He told them that they knew not the significance of the thing they asked but recognized their true loyalty to Him. He acknowledged their willing­ ness to die for Him. In actuality James became the first of the apostles to lay down his life for Christ and John the last. But Jesus makes clear that the matter of position in the millennial kingdom will not be made on the principle of favoritism. It is a matter of preparation. The definite places of service in the kingdom will be given by divine wisdom to those whom God sees are fitted for those places. It is even so in the body of Christ. “ But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him” (1 Cor. 12:18). The thing for' each follower of Christ to do is to be faithful in his service for Christ and leave it to the Lord to arrange for the positions. A Lesson on True Greatness vv. 41-45 Following an expression of indig­ nation on the part of the ten disciples, Jesus took occasion to give a lesson on the nature of true greatness. It does not consist of sitting at the right hand or the left, of being president

Pointers on the Lesson Jesus and His disciples were on their way to Jericho and Jerusalem. At the latter place would be fulfilled all that Jesus had said would befall Him in connection with His passion (w . 32-34). However, even with such momentous matters upon His mind Jesus was not too busy to be inter­ rupted by what appeared to be very trivial affairs. In the portion of Scrip­ ture for consideration today, two of Christ’s disciples make a request of Him for special privilege and position. Jesus used the request to teach a lesson on humility and true service. A Self-Seeking Request vv. 35-37 There seems to be a lot of selfish ambition as well as ignorance wrapped up in this request. Matthew’s account (20:20) shows the mother of James and John asking Jesus for places at the right and left hand in the coming kingdom. In Mark, James and John make the request. Doubtless the re­ quest was upon both the lips of the sons and the mother. With whom it originated we cannot be sure, but probably it was with the sons inas­ much as Jesus in His reply seems to address the sons in both accounts. James and John seem. still to be possessed of the idea that Jesus was immediately to set up His millennial kingdom. They did- not fully realize the necessity of His death and resur­ rection. And in the imminent estab­ lishment of His kingdom, as they thought, they wanted the foremost places in His cabinet. We need not condemn these two men for desiring

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