King's Business - 1951-02

epitomizes the second tablet of the law or that part which indicates man’s duty to man. We know that no man has kept these commandments perfectly, there­ fore every man needs a Saviour. Thus another opportunity is afforded for the teacher to press home the claims of Christ to his scholars.


STANDARD'S NEW "PRIMARY BIBLE STORY" Treat your Primaries to the, FAVORITE Bible-story paper-—the new “ Primary Bible Story.” Each week a complete, full-color picture-strip Bible story. Also, the Bible story for the day, handwork, things to do, and a “ pretend” story; Thousands of pupils and teachers say this is the BEST story paper of them all. The cost is under 2c. per pupil, per Sunday. For all Primary classes. Size, ZVz x 11 inches. Write today for free sample. ^ ORDER NOW FROM The Standard Publishing Co. 20 E. Central Parkway Cincinnati 10, Ohio

Helps for the Children In the Great Temple Mark 11:11, 15-19, 23-33; 1 2 :1 -1 7 , 2 8 -3 4 , 3 8 -4 4

Memory Verse: [God said] “ My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples” (Isa. 56:7 R.V.). Why was your church built? Was it built to worship God and to lead souls to the Lord Jesus Christ, or was it built as a money-making organiza­ tion where people spend their time and strength preparing great church suppers, sewing for bazaars, and try­ ing to “ figure out” new ways to make more money? The Lord Jesus was riding into the city of Jerusalem upon a colt that had been borrowed for the occasion. Everywhere people were thronging the streets, waving palm branches, throw­ ing their garments in the way for Him to ride upon, and singing, “ Ho­ sanna.” As Jesus entered Jerusalem, He went at once into the temple, and looked round about upon all things there. The next day the Saviour en­ tered the temple again and cast out all those who sold and bought in His Father’s house. He scolded those who were abusing God’s house, making it a den of thieves instead of a house of prayer. Although the Lord Jesus knew that He was soon to die, He was still trying to make others understand God’s will for them. When the reli­ gious rulers became angry with His j actions, the Saviour told them a para­ ble, or an earthly story with a heav­ enly meaning. The owner of a vine­ yard went into a far country, leaving his vineyard for others to cultivate. Finally he sent a servant to collect his due from his vineyard. The labor­ ers caught him, beat him, and sent him away without any fruit. The sec­ ond servant who was sent was stoned and shamefully handled. As other servants were sent, some were beaten and others were killed. At last the owner sent his son. The laborers killed the son that the entire vine­ yard might be theirs. The Saviour was showing the people how they had mistreated the prophets and leaders before Him, and now, as God had sent His only Son, they were criticizing Him and ready to kill Him soon.

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