King's Business - 1951-02

in his account (20:12). We know that angels have always had a keen inter­ est in the redemptive ministry of Christ. (See 1 Pet. 1:12). Of special and precious interest is the angelic announcement concerning P e t e r . There is a sermon of love and com­ passion in the words and Peter of verse 7. In spite of Peter’s failure, he was to be assured of the Lord’s con­ tinued care for him. Helps for the Children Our Living Christ Mark 15:16—16:20 Memory Verse: “ Lo, I am with you alway” (Matt. 28:20). Jesus was dead! No longer could He tell the multitudes about God; no longer could He heal the sick and raise the dead! Sorrow and disap­ pointment filled the hearts of His disciples. But not for long! In three days, a miracle took place. They saw their Lord again and walked and talked with Him. Joy and power filled their hearts, and they knew that be­ cause He lived, death had been de­ feated, and because He lived they, too, should live for all eternity! Some men were paid to lie about His resurrec­ tion ; others made up their minds that they would not believe such an un­ usual story; but the disciples knew that their Lord was alive. His work was finished. He had died to save men from sin; He lived to make interces­ sion for them. Many other good men had died; some of them had died for others; but not one had ever arisen from the dead. It was the resurrection that placed God’s seal of approval upon the death of His only Son! Joy filled the disciple’s hearts. Soon their Lord left them to return to His Father in Heaven, for His work was now fin­ ished. Just before He left, He com­ manded His disciples to tell of His death and resurrection throughout the world, and He left with them the precious promise, “ Lo, I am with you alway.” Some of us today, as then, would like to claim that promise with­ out obeying the command that comes before it. If we do not obey the com­ mand, we cannot expect God to fulfill the promise! Even though we may not go as missionaries or ministers, each of us may go to his neighbor, his friends, his family, or those in his schoolroom. Wherever we go and tell, we may claim His presence as our Companion and Friend. If you have never told anyone about your Saviour, rejoice His heart at this Easter time by inviting someone else to know Him too!

ness of judgment which at this time the Saviour was experiencing. What a sense of horror must have swept over the multitude at this time! Sec­ ond, there is the cry (v. 34). Stalker calls these words of Jesus “ the most appalling sound that ever pierced the atmosphere of this earth.” He also says, “ In the entire Bible there is no other sentence so difficult to ex­ plain.” Be that as it may, nothing more fully indicates what Jesus en­ dured when He took the sinner’s place at Calvary. The ultimate penalty of sin is to be forsaken of God. In order that the sinner might never need be separated from God, Jesus upon the cross endured the extremest penalty of sin and was actually forsaken of the Father in that dark hour. Third, there is the cup (v. 36). This was the second of two cups which were of­ fered the Son of God. He refused the cup of myrrh and wine (15:23) which would have had a narcotic effect. He would not permit this. However He did partake of the cup of vinegar for it spoke of the sourness and bitter­ ness of man’s attitude toward Him. (Cf. John 19:28-30). Finally, there is the voice (v. 37). It was with a loud voice He cried at the end of His Calvary experience. He did not die from exhaustion. He dismissed His spirit when all was accomplished (Matt. 27:50). Truly, as He said, no man took His life from Him. He laid it down of Himself (John 10:18). Factors Related to His Resurrection 16:1-7 Certain women on the day of Christ’s resurrection came to anoint His dead body. He had told them be­ fore His death that He would rise from the dead but they had not com­ prehended the wonder of this an­ nouncement. Many still are insistent upon worshiping a dead Christ in­ stead of One who is alive for ever­ more. Note several factors associated with the resurrection story. First, the women came to the tomb “ at the rising of the sun” or “when the sun was risen” (v.2, R.V.). It means sunrise in the soul when there is a full comprehension of Christ’s resur­ rection. Second, when the women ar­ rived at the sepulchre, they discov­ ered the stone was rolled away from the door (v. 4). The stone was not rolled away to let Christ out of the tomb. That was not necessary (cf. John 20:19). It was rolled away in order that the disciples might look in­ side the tomb for evidences that He had truly risen. Third, there was the angelic presence and announcement (w . 5-7). John speaks of two angels

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