King's Business - 1951-02

Tied to the cross which came out of the cup is a crown. The day is coming when the Lord Jesus will be crowned Lord of all. He is exalted now at the right hand of God “ to appear in the presence of God for us” (Heb. 9:24), but the time is coming when He will wear a crown and rule the world. God will see that His Son is re­ warded for saying “ Thy will be done.” He has given Christ “ a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Je­ sus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” March 25, 1951 A G arden in G lory Objects: A fish bowl, a small jewel box resembling a casket, a green card­ board large enough to cover the front of the fish bowl, a pint of sodium sili­ cate (one form of water glass), and four of the following crystals: cobalt nitrate, cobalt chloride, ferric chloride, copper chloride, chrome alum, and

manganese chloride. (Add a pint of water to the “water glass” and put in the fish bowl. Place the green card­ board in front of the fish bowl. Cut a large hole in the bottom of the jewel box, and place the box over the mouth of the bowl. “ Technical” chemicals are less expensive and are satisfac­ tory. If chemicals are not available at a local store, the high school chemis­ try department will be able to furnish them. They can be purchased from Braun Chemical Co., 2260 E. 15th St., Los Angeles, California.)


CHURCH USHERING— 60 PAGE BOOKLET, “ The best in its field” —Great churches are pleased—You will be, too—— $3.50 per dozen. Active Church Publicity, P. O. Box 829, Ham­ mond, Indiana. PREACH THE GOSPEL W ITH SCRIPTURE Tracts, 100 assorted, 25c; 500 assorted, $1.00. K. Allman, 90 Coral St., Paterson 2, N. J. NEW CATALOG OF USED RELIGIOUS BOOKS —F ree! Baker Book House, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan. BIBLES REBOUND, REPAIRED, 28 YEARS experience. Internationally known. W rite for prices. The original BIBLE HOSPITAL, 1001 So. Harwood St., Dallas 1, Texas. NON -RESIDENT COURSE: HIGH SCHOOL, College. Triplespeed NUABC Self-study Short­ hand. 38th Year. Bulletins Free. Capital City College, Washington 5, D. C. OFFERING ENVELOPES— “ WASTELESS” OR dated. For churches, schools, societies. A t Bargain Prices. Dufold & Trifold Company, Trenton 4, N.J. EVERY AUTOMOBILE OWNER SHOULD TRY “ Ever-Charge” , the battery trouble eliminator. Life o f battery lengthened, strengthened, made like new. $1.50 trial package. Agents wanted everywhere. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ever-Charge Distributors, 6717 Perry Ave., Chicago, 111. SCOFIELDS—COMPLETE LINE, INCLUDING new loose-leaf edition. W rite for literature, Fowlers' Christian Book Store, 113 Main, Ham­ burg, New York. NEW EFFECTIVE TRACTS FREE IN ANY quantity for distribution to the unsaved: “ What Have YOU Done with Christ?” “ Judge or Sav­ iour,” “ Prepare NOW for the GREATEST EVENT in the W orld’s HISTORY.” Address Neal E. Huff, 611 S. Broadway, Pittsburg, Kansas. FREE PACK—SCRIPTURE BOOK MATCHES, the “ tract” they won’t throw away! Endorsed by America’s outstanding pastors and Bible teachers. Thousands being reached with the Gospel by this unique approach. Evangelist John Leland reports over seventy souls won to Christ through SCRIP­ TURE MATCHES. (A non-profit ministry). Christian workers—Bible Classes, get them at your Gospel book store, or direct from Edwin C. Hunton, 2405 Irving Street, N. E., Washington 18, D. C. 2500 books— $15.00 plus express. 100— $1.00, postpaid. CORRECT AND SINGABLE MUSIC SETTING for your hymn-poem, assures editorial considera­ tion. Music composing, arranging, editing and printing. Folders free. Raymond Iden (K .B.), Mount Vernon, Ohio. THOUSANDS OF OUT-OF-PRINT AND SCARCE theology now available. Free catalog. Libraries purchased. Kregel’s Bookstore, Grand Rapids, Michigan. GOSPEL OBJECT LESSONS AND VISUAL Aids. Send 25c, receive one lesson and complete list of material. Charles Morrison, Nichols, N.Y. OLD BIBLES REBOUND LIKE NEW. A price, binding and style to meet every need. All types of binding, rebinding. W rite for illustrated folder, prices. Norris Bookbinding Co., Green­ wood, Miss. FINE WATCH REPAIRING: WRIST WATCHES $4.00; Pocket $4.50; Chronograph $10.00; Prices include cleaning and adjustment. One year guaran­ tee. Send watches by insured mail. Oakley Jewelrv Shop. 2312 W Chicago Ave . Chlc.ap-o 22. PI. SHOE REPAIRING — FIRST CLASS WORK, reasonable prices. Erick Peterson, 5062 West Adamu Blvd., Los Angeles 16, Calif. Tel. WEbster 0404.__________ ________________________ WHICH CHURCH SHOULD I JOIN ? 28 PAGE booklet answering this ‘ question from Scripture. Takes up the one body, local church, order and rule, baptism, Lord’s Supper, ordination, woman’s place, etc. 12 for $1.00; 100—$8.00. Tell Sandoz, Creighton, Nebraska. MISSIONARY POEMS. BEAUTIFUL BOOK. Cover: Palms, flowers, child. Ideal gift. Only $1.00. W rite William Swaan, 715 West Sixteenth, Vancouver, Canada._________________________________ “ SONGS OF LOVE AND TRUST” , AND “ LOV- ing Songs”—tw o books containing 197 all new beautiful hymns. Large engraved notes. For church and home devotion. Uplifting, comforting, glorify­ ing God’s loving care. Special, $1.00. Postage 8 cents. Fred M. Waehlte, Mulino, Oregon. Page Thirty-four

Lesson: How many of you would like to grow a garden? “We do not have enough space, and it takes too long.” The garden we will grow this morn­ ing requires very little time and space. I have four kinds of crystals, reminding us of the four races of earth. Some of them are more colorful than others. We will drop them into this little casket, reminding us of Christians from all races who will have died and been buried before Christ comes to earth again. (Place the jewel box over the mouth of the fish bowl, allowing the crystals to drop through the hole into the bowl.) Job asked a question one time about life beyond death. He said, “ If a man die, shall he live again?” (Job 14:14). This question is answered in Job 19:25, 26, “ For I know that my Re­ deemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God.” In Philippians 3 :21 we read, “Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body.” In this life our bodies are very plain, but our resurrected ones will be like Christ’s body. We will look to see what has hap­ pened to the crystals. (The teacher can make sure that the crystals aré “ growing” by looking at the back of the jar before uncovering the front. A song may be sung if extra time is needed.) Instead of remaining com­ mon-looking crystals, t h e y have changed into a beautiful garden. The change for us will be greater than this, when we receive our resurrected bodies. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

m o CANT

Is the JEW w ho has died of StarvationI

missionary ministry. Write for free literature to Dept. K Jacob Gartenhaus,

Thousands of Jews — especially Christian Jews— in Europe today are on the verge of starvation. Evangeliza­ tion of Europe's Jews must go hand in hand with relief. The plight of Hebrew Christians is truly desperate. $10.00 will provide a CARE package— $5.00 will provide a smaller, lifesaving food package Pray for our relief and

INTERNATIONAL BOARD Of- JEWISH MISSIONS, INC. Jacob Gartenhaus, Presl, Box 1256, Atlanta 1, Go. SheltonCollege Formerly The National Bible Institute offers a liberal arts education free from denominational bias and all entangling alliances with modernism. More and more churches and mission boards are demanding college trained candidates. S h e l t o n provides high college standards on a sound Bible- believing basis. Write for catalog. ¿She lton C o l le g e 340 W. 55th Street New York 19, N.Y.

Veterans who have not already begun their training, must do so before next June (1951) or lose the G. I. benefits.

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