King's Business - 1951-02

The Press and The Christian World Formosa Crusade Late reports from the “ Every Crea­ ture Crusade” in Formosa tell that over 200,000 have heard the gospel in six weeks of campaigning with over 5.000 indicating a desire to accept Christ. More than 100,000 Gospels of John have been carefully distributed. Madame Chiang Kai-shek requests 100.000 New Testaments so that those who turn to Christ may each have one.' Dick Hillis, a leader in this Crusade, is back in the States to get an ur­ gently needed allotment of Scriptures, expecting to return soon to Formosa for their distribution. Other features of the Crusade in­ clude 200-foot billboards covered with Scripture verses reaching many in the heart of Formosan cities. Gospel records, are being broadcast from many radio stations and the Moody film, “ The God of Creation” continues A one dollar bill was the difference in the bids between the Providence Bible Institute and the Order of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart of New England for the purchase of the Edge- wood Junior College property. This incident which made headlines in the daily papers proves the over-ruling hand of God in business matters. Both of these schools had submitted bids before which were rejected, necessita­ ting new bids. God seemed to lead in the addition of this extra one dollar which clinched the property for Provi­ dence Bible Institute. Bible Lands Trip Dr. Joseph P. Free, of Wheaton College, announces plans for the fourth Wheaton College Bible Lands group sailing from New York, Feb­ ruary 15. This group will make an ex­ tended stay in Syria and Palestine in the interests of Bible study and archaeology. The trip is open to Christian people throughout the coun­ try. Hindustan Bible Institute In a recent meeting, Articles of Incorporation were adopted for the Hindustan Bible Institute, a project which has as its purpose the establish­ ment of a fundamental evangelical school in India. President of the Board of Trustees is Dr. Jesse W. Baker, pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, Burbank; with Rev. N. Paul V. Gupta, at present a student of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, as General Director. Page Five to open doors of interest. Providence Bible Institute

really works in our lives. It is easy to say that God is able when there is no need to prove it. But when catas­ trophe looms, then the ability of God must be more than claimed, it must be demonstrated. Thank God, what we have main­ tained is true, wonderfully true. And God’s grace is sufficient and more, in all times of need. What is necessary for the Christian is to be sure that all is well between his heart and God. He must be sure that his prayer line is in good working order. He must know of a surety that as far as he is aware, he is in the center of God’s will for his life. Then, come what may, the protection of God will be his. So let us lift up our heads! Let us exhibit our faith before a world that does not possess it. Let us demon­ strate daily the power of God to give courage and streng th when other hearts are failing for fear. Now is the time to let the light of God truly shine. May God give us the grace to do so! As this issue goes to press, word reaches us that the beloved Doctor Harry A. Ironside, former pastor of Moody Memorial Church, Chicago, has gone to be with the Lord. He died in New Zealand where he was en­ gaged in service for the Lord. De­ tails of his life and ministry will be included in our March issue. Tribute To A Great Christian Lady O UR deepest sympathy goes to the loved ones and friends of Mrs. Milton Stewart who recently died in Pasadena. She was the widow of Mr. Milton Stewart, who was one of those instrumental in the inaugura­ tion of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Years ago the Stewarts, moved by the great need of China, devoted much of their energy and means to the building of the Hunan Bible In­ stitute in Changsha, China, which work still stands today, in spite of the efforts of the Communists to de­ stroy it. Under the hand of God, this Work has been responsible for the training of thousands of young Chi­ nese leaders whose influence for Christ has been felt throughout that land. We shall ever thank God upon re­ membrance of these faithful servants of His. The Lord Calls Another Faithful Servant

Signs multiply in the prophetic sky. The nation of Israel increases daily. Who could have predicted that in two years of national independence the new nation could have made such strides? Russia grows and takes in more satellites. China comes under her banner ; India is rapidly being infiltrated with Communism. Indo­ nesia is ripe for Red conquest. Noth­ ing seems to be able to stop the great confederation of Magog. The United Nations continues to grow and learn by experience. Their policy is indecisive, and they sadly need a competent leader. With a man supernaturally wise in the position of President of the United Nations, they could easily control the peace of the world. The time seems ripe for the emergence of such a leader as prophe­ sied in Scripture. So let us lift up our heads! God is most assuredly working things after the counsel of His own will. Soon—■ perhaps sooner than anyone believes— the trumpet will sound, and the chain of events will begin which will not stop until seated on His millennial throne is our precious and wonderful Lord. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! Now Is the Hour to Exhibit Our Faith T ODAY the American people have a more sober outlook on life than has been observed in many a year. Not only is our land faced with the possibility of another world conflict, but coupled with this are the vast de­ structive potentialities of atomic war­ fare and the disconcerting defeat of our apparently invincible forces in Korea. A real sense of the utter hope­ lessness of things and the futility of expecting peace seem to pervade the atmosphere. While people generally are endeav­ oring to present a calm exterior, deep down in their hearts there is stark fear and near panic. Nearer than ever before in our nation’s history is the possibility of war coming directly to our shores with its horror of de­ struction, d isease, broken bodies, warped minds, blood and tears. The child of God has maintained all along that his God was able to save us from this: able to protect, able to provide, and able to give peace of heart in the time of danger. This is a worthy claim and in days when the sun shines brightly it is easy to preach it. But the test comes when the clouds darken. It is then that our worldly friends and unsaved relatives look to see if what we have been preaching F E B R U A R Y . 1 9 5 1

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