Cam Clutch Product Catalog


All Tsubaki Cam Clutches use a cam type construction. This is also referred to as a “sprag” style clutch. An older style clutch which Tsubaki does not supply is called a “Ramp & Roller” or simply a "Roller" clutch. The following is an explanation of the features of each type. This discussion mentions Tsubaki BS Series backstop clutches but is relevant to other Tsubaki Cam Clutches.

Non-rollover Backstop Cam

General Cam Construction

Cams and their constructions The BS Series Cam Clutches use non-rollover cams which provide an additional level of safety. Even if a Cam Clutch has been selected appropriately for an application, unanticipated loads can occur. With a traditional cam profile, as used by some manufacturers, the unanticipated load might cause the cam to “rollover,” allowing the conveyor to move backward. The cam profile used by Tsubaki is most suited for the backstopping function, placing importance on the load distribution among multiple cams and a large surface cross section. Even if an unexpectedly large reverse torque occurs, the clutches will not roll over, preventing the conveyor from reversing.


Outer race

BS and BS-F Series Cam Clutches use a structure utilizing cams and rollers alternately arranged for higher overrunning speeds and torque capacities.


Inner race


BS Series Cam Clutch construction and cam profile



Outer race

BS-F Series Cam Clutches employ a unique cam cage structure that supports the cams and rollers, which helps to further improve on the BS series’ torque capacities and over- running speeds. The cam cage de- sign also helps the BS-F to provide the narrowest available footprint for a backstop with an I-beam torque arm.

Inner race

Cage ring


BS-F Series Cam Clutch construction and Non-rollover cam design


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