Cam Clutch Product Catalog



Outer Race

Made possible by Tsubaki’s extensive experience in mechanical power transmission, the cams used in the BR Cam Clutch offer a unique cross section that provides positive mechanical engagement only when needed. Otherwise, the Cam Clutch rotates freely with absolutely no mechanical contact in the clutch mechanism. The result is a greatly increased service life compared to conventional types.

Inner Race

Cam Cage

Backstop Applications with High-Speed Overrunning When the Cam Clutch is stationary, the cam locks the inner and outer races together (Figure 5) . When the inner race (load side) overruns at a high speed, the cam disengages by releasing the inner race (Figure 6) . When the inner race stops, the cam rotates back into an engaged position. If the inner race tries to rotate in the reverse direction, the cams then serve as a stop between the anchored outer race and inner race to prevent reverse rotation and provide backstopping. High-Speed and Low-Speed-Engaged Overrunning When the Cam Clutch is stationary, the cam locks the inner and outer races together (Figure 5) . When the inner race (load side) overruns at a high speed, the cam disengages by releasing from the inner race (Figure 6) . When the high-speed rotation of the inner race stops and the inner race begins to rotate slowly, the cam rotates back into an engaged position. Then when you start to drive the outer race at low speed of rotation, the cams serve as a prop and drive the inner race at the same low speed of rotation. Please reference Figure 7 . A More Economical Design The open-type BR Series features a simple design in which the Cam Clutch mechanism is incorporated in a cage between standard dimension inner and outer bearing races. This allows the Cam Clutch to be easily and economically integrated into a wide variety of mechanical systems. Tsubaki also offers a package- type Cam Clutch that incorporates a bearing assembly to reduce maintenance demands.

Figure 5: Entire Cam Clutch is stationary

Figure 6: Inner race only turning

Figure 7: Inner and outer race locked and turning

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