Cam Clutch Product Catalog

Indexing Clutch Selection Guide

INDEXING (INTERMITTENT FEED) In this application, reciprocal movement of a certain angle ( 0

) is provided at the outer race of the Cam Clutch to alternately engage then overrun continuously so as to obtain intermittent rotation. In the case of the Cam Clutch shown in Figures 14, 15 , when the outer race moves from A to B, the Cam Clutch engages to rotate the inner race (of the driven side) by angle 0 , i.e., from a to b. However, the Cam Clutch does not operate to stop the inner race at position b. When the outer race rotates in reverse from B to A, the Cam Clutch overruns while the inner race (of the driven side) does not rotate. By repeating this sequential movement, the inner race (of the driven side) rotates intermittently within the preset angle ( 0 ). This angle of movement ( 0 ) is referred to as the "feed angle" that the Cam Clutch must accommodate.

Reciprocal movement of the outer race Intermittent movement of the outer race






Figure 14: Typical indexing application example

Figure 15: Cam Clutch inner and outer race interaction

Advantages of indexing mechanisms that use Cam Clutches 1. Accurate feeding without backlash. 2. Feeding distance can be simply adjusted and is stepless. 3. The indexing mechanism has low running costs.

There are six different classifications of Indexing Cam Clutch applications. Application


Frequency (number of rotations) = 300 cycles/min. and above Feed angle ( 0 ): Up to 90° Frequency (number of rotations) = 300 cycles/min. or less Feed angle ( 0 ): Up to 90° Frequency (number of rotations) = 150 cycles/min. or less Feed angle ( 0 ): 90° and more


High speed and small feed angle

Medium and low speed and small feed angle



Low-speed and large feed angle

(4) Backstopping in intermittent feeding Frequency and feed angle are the same as those of Cam Clutches for feeding

Application method is the same as (2) except that material is stopped by force during feeding Application method is the same as (2) except that the rotating speed adjusts steplessly by changing the feed angle ( 0 ) during operation


Feeding with stopper


Speed change


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