Cam Clutch Product Catalog

Indexing Clutch Selection Guide

INDEXING SELECTION When detailed load conditions can be calculated, apply formula A, and when not, apply formula B and then compare with the allowable torque of the Cam Clutch. Please reference Figure 21 for critical dimensions associated with Formula B. Please contact Tsubaki with questions or for assistance.

Selection Procedure: a) Determine the design torque requirement b) Identify the maximum indexing cycles (N) per minute c) Specify the feeding angle 0 0 ≥ 90º consider MI-S Cam Clutch model (contact Tsubaki) 0 < 90º consider other series Cam Clutch d) Calculate the number of cycles per minute times the feed angle (N × 0 ) N × 0 ≤ 20,000 look at these Cam Clutches - MZ, MZEU, PBUS, BUS200, MIUS N × 0 ≤ 50,000 consider MI-S Cam Clutch model (contact Tsubaki) N × 0 > 50,000 please contact Tsubaki e) Identify the required bore size and installation method

Formula A:

Formula B:

9550 ∙ kW

ℓ 2 ℓ 1

∙ N 2

J ∙ O

T =

x 2.5

T =

+ T B



T: Loaded torque on Cam Clutch (Nm) J: Inertia of load (kgf ∙ m 2 ) on Cam Clutch shaft 0 : Feeding angle (deg) on Cam Clutch shaft N: Indexing cycles per minute (c/min) T B : Brake torque calculated on Cam Clutch shaft (Nm)

T: Loaded torque on Cam Clutch (Nm) kW: Transmitted power (kW) n: Speed of crank shaft (r/min) ℓ 1 : Length of crank ℓ 2 : Length of lever on Cam Clutch 2.5: Factor

Conversion factors for above calculations 1 Nm = 0.73756 lb.ft. 1 lb ∙ ft. = 1.356 Nm

1 kg ∙ m 2 = 23.73036 lb ∙ ft 2 1 lb ∙ ft 2 = 0.04214 kg ∙ m 2

1 kW = 1.34 hp 1 hp = 0.75 kw

Figure 21: Critical dimensions for indexing applications


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