Cam Clutch Product Catalog

Overrunning Clutch Selection Guide

OVERRUNNING: DUAL DRIVE AND TWO SPEED DRIVE Dual Drive is a system that utilizes two sets of driving units to propel a driven unit. Dual drive systems often have two drives that rotate at different speeds; these are referred to as two speed drive systems. In a two speed drive system, it is common to operate at two different speeds; high speed and low speed. Normally, each drive system utilizes a Cam Clutch that acts as an automatic switching device. In Figure 22 , when the driven unit is propelled by Driving Unit A (in the direction of the arrow), Cam Clutch A engages to transmit torque from the outer race to the inner race, resulting in rotation at a pre-set speed. At the same time, since the inner race of Cam Clutch B is also rotating in the same direction, it does not engage but overruns. The end result is Driving Unit B is disconnected from the Driven Unit. Conversely, when the Driven Unit is to be propelled by Driving Unit B, Cam Clutch B engages to transmit torque of the outer race to the inner race, resulting in rotation of the Driven Unit at a pre-set speed. At this time, Cam Clutch A overruns to disconnect Driving Unit A.



Outer race

Outer race

Driving unit A

Driving unit B

Driven unit

Inner race

Inner race

A Driving unit

A Cam clutch

B Cam clutch

B Driving unit

Driven unit

Figure 22: Dual Speed Drive System with Overrunning Cam Clutch

Overrunning Cam Clutch applications are divided into four types as depicted below. When selecting an overrunning Cam Clutch, one must consider the overrunning speed and engaging speed.


Overrunning Speed

Engaging Speed

Applicable Series

High-speed overrunning and high-speed engagement High-speed overrunning and medium or low-speed engagement High-speed overrunning and low-speed engagement Medium and low-speed overrunning and medium and low-speed engagement

Cam Clutch Box MZEU, MZ Series Cam Clutch Box MZEU, MZ Series Cam Clutch Box BREU, BR-HT MZEU, MZ Series MZEU, MZ Series MGUS Series PBUS, BUS200

700 RPM and up

700 RPM and up

700 RPM and up

up to 700 RPM

700 RPM and up

Up to 200 RPM

up to 700 RPM

up to 700 RPM

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