Cam Clutch Product Catalog

High-Speed Overrunning and Medium and Low-Speed Engagement: (Overrunning speed = 700 RPM and up) (Engaging speed = up to 700 RPM) OVERRUNNING: DUAL DRIVE AND TWO SPEED DRIVE

The Cam Clutch works as a switching device for two driving units (high-speed or medium/low-speed). When driving a fan, cement kiln or conveyor in normal operation, the driving speed is switched to high

speed. When using them for other purposes, the driving speed is switched to medium or low speed. Figure 25 shows a soak pit fan used for melting aluminum and steel ingots, with a Cam Clutch being used for energy savings. The heating is done in two stages, one being quick heating and the other being constant heating. Switching is done automatically by a driving system. For quick heating, the fan is driven by the main motor at high speed (the Cam Clutch is overrunning at this time). For constant heating, the fan only rotates at low speed and is driven by a geared motor (the Cam Clutch engages and the main motor and fan rotate simultaneously).

Example of energy saving drive for a soaking pit fan

Figure 25: Energy savings realized with OB-ON series

Compared to pole change motor or inverter systems, substantial equipment cost savings can be achieved and the initial equipment costs can be recovered very quickly. Typically equipment costs are recovered within one year of continuous running. This system is effective for fans from the 20 hp (15 kW) class and up.

Typical Series


Can withstand extended continuous running

Cam Clutch Box

Various lubricating and cooling systems can be used

Minimal lubrication maintenance required


Grease is sealed in, lubrication maintenance is not required

www. ustsubaki .com


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