Industrial Plastic Chains


High-Temperature, High-Speed Applications

Chemical Applications

Fabricated from advanced engineering plastic, Y and SY chains resist chemical environments. Y and SY Series are ideal for handling the inspection, packaging, and cleaning of light electrical appliances and devices as well as food items, pharmaceuticals, and chemical products. AR Series chains, which are manufactured with chemically resistant plastic and stainless steel pins, provide even higher levels of chemical resistance and are excellent in bottling plants. Chemical Resistance Y chains are designed to resist chloride, acids, alkalis, oxidizers, and most organic solvents. SY chains handle the same chemicals as Y chains, plus their titanium pins provide extra resistance to strong chemicals, including sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid. AR chains resist lubricants that contain hypochlorous acids, such as those used in beverage and beer bottling plants. Temperature Chains provide optimal performance at temperatures between –4˚ and 176˚F.

KV chains can operate at speeds and at temperatures that were once impossible for plastic chains. KV has heat-resistant qualities comparable to metal, making it the plastic of choice for high- temperature applications. Choose KV180 when temperatures and speed make standard plastic chains impractical. Choose KV250 when even greater strength is required in higher temperatures. Operating Conditions Compare standard plastic chains with KV180 and KV250. KV sets a new standard for handling high temperatures and speed.

Standard KV180 KV250

Ambient operating temp. (˚F)




Standard KV180 KV250

Max allowable speed (ft./min.)




Max. allowable speed changes in temperatures of 122˚F or higher.

Ultraviolet Rays

UVR chains stand up to the damaging effects of ultraviolet rays, such as those used in paint curing and drying lines, and they are ideal if chains are exposed to sunlight.


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