Engineering Chain General Catalog

How To Select a Drive Chain

When the Working Load has been determined, select a chain which has a rated working load equal to or greater than the working load value. CALCULATE SHAFT CENTERS Use the following formula to determine the approximate shaft centers in pitches after chain pitch has been determined. Consult Tsubaki Engineering for fixed center drives. The proper chain can be selected from the working load values given in the chain listings. The working load required can be determined from the following: WORKING LOAD (HP x SF) x (396,000 x (E) x (V) (CP) x (T) x (RPM) WHERE HP = Actual horsepower required. (Use motor HP if actual is not known.) SF = Select Service Factor based on Application in Table 2 page 23 and Type of Input Power in Table 1, page 22. CP = Chain Pitch (inches) ( Use sprocket HP ratings on pages 26-29 as a guide.) T = Number of teeth in smaller sprocket. (12T are suggested.) RPM = Speed of smaller sprocket. E = Speed factor (from Speed Correction Factors, Table 3, page 24. (A 12T sprocket is suggested.) V = Service factor ( Obtain from Service Factors Table 4 on page 24.)

WHERE C = Shaft center distance in pitches. L = Length of chain in pitches. N = Number of teeth in larger sprocket. n = Number of teeth in smaller sprocket. π = 3.1416 K = See Table 5, page 25. S = N + n A chain cannot contain a fractional part of a pitch. If the chain length obtained contains a fractional part of a pitch, use the next higher whole number. CALCULATE CHAIN LENGTH To order the proper length of chain, use the following calculation: Chain Length in Pitches = __ + 2C + __ • Add number of teeth in small sprocket and number of teeth in large sprocket to obtain S. • Subtract number of teeth in small sprocket from number of teeth in large sprocket to obtain value D. Find D in Table 5, and note corresponding value K. • Divide center distance in inches by pitches of chain, obtaining C. • Use the values to solve the formula above. S 2 K C


Internal Combustion Engine with Mechanical Drive

Internal Combustion Engine with Hydraulic Drive

Electric Motor Turbine

Type of Drive Load





Moderate Shock




) 2 (N - n) 2 (L-~ -8 ~ 4

Heavy Shock





L- ··2

C= -



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