Engineering Chain General Catalog

Industry Leading Innovations for Enhanced Reliability and Performance

TitanXL ™ Enhanced Wear Technology

Patented SJ3 ™ Sealed Joint Technology

Tsubaki’s patented SJ3™ design incorporates an exclusive combination of three distinct seals to effectively mitigate the penetration of aggressive fine particulate into a chain’s critical bearing areas. A patented stainless steel internal seal holds tight onto the pin and rotates within a specially machined groove inside the bushing, creating a structural labyrinth to effectively inhibit the infiltration of abrasive debris. This technology is ideal for applications experiencing kinking, packed joints or aggressive dry cavitation. For less severe or more economical applications, a dual seal configuration is also available.

Tsubaki’s TitanXL™ extended wear technology leverages a proprietary pin coating to effectively delay the onset of aggressive dry wear in extreme, heavy-duty Engineering Class applications. This upgraded technology is available as an option on most Tsubaki Engineering Class chain designs and is ideal for harsh drive, conveying and elevating applications.


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SJ3 ™ Sealed Technology SJ2 ™ Sealed Technology


1. Extended Bushing Barrier Seal 2. Polymeric Gasket Seal 3. Patented Stainless Steel Labyrinth Seal





Standard Tsubaki Chain - - Tsubak iman XL Chain

1. Extended Bushing Barrier Seal 2. Polymeric Gasket Seal

Patented Bearing Rollers

Smart Tooth ® Sprockets

Tsubaki’s Smart Tooth ® sprockets with patented Wear Indicator Technology offer the ability to easily and proactively identify and schedule maintenance before a critical component failure. This innovative design not only allows for proactive sprocket wear

Tsubaki’s patented Bearing Roller design leverages a unique cylindrical roller bearing directly incorporated into a chain’s rollers. This innovative labyrinth configuration significantly reduces frictional forces and the need for continuous lubrication. Chains utilizing the Tsubaki Bearing Roller can often be downsized without sacrificing performance or longevity. Chains subject to the “slip stick” dynamic are ideal candidates for the patented Tsubaki Bearing Roller.

identification, it also mitigates the risk of worn sprockets permanently damaging the mating chain. This patented technology is available on most Engineering Class Sprockets.





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