Installation & Maintenance Guide

Using a Chain Punch When using a chain punch, be sure to draw both pins out together. Link plates cannot be used again once the pins have been removed.

Primary Punch

Secondary Punch

Riveting Punch

Figure 4-3: Punch Selection

Table 4-3: Punch Selection Chain No.

Riveting Punch For RS40 For RS50 For RS60 For RS80

Primary Punch

Secondary Punch

RS40 ~ RS60

S-1 S-2 S-3

D-1 D-2 D-3

RS80 ~ RS120

RS140 ~ RS240

Using a Chain Breaker A chain breaker is a tool made for cutting chain. The chain breaker does not require a firm working table and can cut chain already set on a machine. RS25 and RS35 chains require a chain breaker.

Table 4-4: Chain Breaker Selection

Chain No.

No. of Strands RS25 RS35 RS41 RF06B RS40 RS50 RS60 RS80 RS100 RS120 RS140 RS160 RS180 RS200 RS240 1 CS-A1 CS-A2 CS-A3 CS-A4 CS-B1 CS-C1 CS-C2 CS-C3 2 Notes: 1. A4 type, B type, C type, and two-strand A type are made to order; all others are from stock. 2. This series can also be used with BS Roller Chain and U.S. Tsubaki Marine Chain. A specially manufactured breaker for Marine Chain is also available.

C Type

A Type

Figure 4-5: Using the Chain Breaker

B Type

Figure 4-4: Chain Breaker Types


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